Rendezvous in the woods

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Chapter Two: Rendezvous in the Woods

       "Mavis...Mavis, honey wake up." My father slightly shook me awake. "What's going on dad?" I asked groggily trying to get up out of my comfortable matress. "We got a call from Special Agent McCall, something about Malia." He said tears streaming down his tired looking face. I rubbed my bleary eyes trying to as trust to the darkness that surrounded me. McCall, sounded familiar, Scott! Scott's dad is the one who called us. Scott is also the one I found sneaking around Malia's room. Were they really trying to help find Malia's body? My father suddenly sent me back to earth with a jolt. "Get up we're going to the crime scene" He told me blatantly, but I followed orders so I hastily threw on my black leggings, and a Beacon Hills sweatshirt and was in  Special Agent McCall's police car within two minutes.


          When we arrived at the crime scene, I tried to take in my surroundings. Let's see there's the sheriff, Agent McCall and...Scott and Stiles? Do they show up everywhere? I instantly walked up to them and Sheriff Stilinski.


    "I especially don't want Mr. Tate hearing about this. Scott, Scott!"

"Sorry, what did you say?" Scott asked oblivious that they were talking about my father."Oh hell." Stilinski said when he saw me come up to him. "Mavis" He nodded his head toward me in recognition. But I was too distracted to answer him back. I was too busy focusing on the tiny pink and blue blanket that was rolled up in the sheriff's hands.

         "Mavis?" He asked me while I took the blanket from his hands. "It's hers." I said solemnly, staring at the blanket. Seeing Mcall, The sheriff told me to wait there and then walked off with Mcall after the agent scolded Scott for being out so late. 

            "Yeah, why are you guys out here so late?" I nosily questioned them. "Like we said, helping the sheriff out." Scott told me while him and Stiles exchanged knowing glances. "Right." I said. I could tell they knew a little more about this then they were letting on. "Look I just wanted to say I'm sorry for losing my head on you guys earlier, that's not like me. And I knew you were just trying to help so I-" Stiles interrupted me "Hey, it's cool we get it, if I found two kids wandered around in my house I'd be freaked too." I smiled, but it didn't last long, there was something else I needed to ask Stiles. "But I need to know if you guys know anything about Malia's disappearance." I asked, screwing up my face a little in hopes that they'd answer me truthfully. Stiles and Scott looked at each other seemingly contemplating if they should tell me anything or not. Finally Scott answered my question.

              "Look, all we know is that Malia's body was dragged away from the car by coyotes. We're just trying to help the police find the body."  I heard Scott's heart beat skip after the words, "Look all we know."  I buried my head in my hands and sighed. "Ok, thanks for telling the truth." After that, I walked away back to my father and into his loving arms. "Dad, I wanna go home." I said ran into the police car solemnly.

               On the way home, I couldn't help thinking about Scott's words. Apparently,  Malia's body was dragged from the scene by a coyote. What If I did that? What if I couldn't control my self and this was the result? I thought I had only been a werecoyote after the car crash, but maybe I wash wrong. Maybe I had killed my whole family. The thoughts in my head were too hard to control and I had to stop, if only I knew the truth. I thought, wishing.


A/N hey guys what do you think of the story so far? I'm sorry this chapter  was so short. I'm thinking for this book, I'm going to write two chapters for each episode.  By the way if you guys didn't already know, this fan fiction is for SEASON 3B enjoy!



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