The Locker Room

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Chapter 3: The Locker Room

                 The next day as I sat in Mr. Yukimaura's class,  the feeling that Scott and Stiles knew much more then they were letting on was finally confirmed. I was listening to a conversation that the two secretive boys were having with Allison.

                 "Here's what we found in the den, it's right in the middle of the hiking trails" Scott said handing Allison a phone with a GPS on it. Allison then took it with open arms and examined it carefully. "Well, that could narrow it down, coyotes travel on fixed trails, but I think you're right about her not going back to the den, coyotes don't like wolves. But they're really smart, if they don't want to be heard they actually walk on there toes." Allison said, wide eyed and concentrated.

              I knew all of the information about tip toeing, and the fixed trails but who said anything about wolves?

I realized that what I was doing was wrong, using my abilities to an advantage but I had to know what they were going to say next, this was my sister they were talking about.


             "Coyotes tip-toe ?" Stiles questioned. "Yes they tip toe." Allison replied unamused. All of a sudden the bell rang and I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, I turned to see Kira smiling  at me from the desk in front of mine.  "Hey!" She exclaimed and bared a grin so wide it would banish the Cheshire cat from Wonderland. "Why are you all smiley?" I asked her leaning forward in my chair and fidgiting a little to get comfortable. "I'm going to get Scott to notice me." She said, and confidently strode up to Scott after he was done talking to Allison. “Wait, Kira- what?" I intoned, but unfortunately, my voice was unimportant to her as she chatted with the shaggy haired boy.

                "Hey. I'm Kira." She said, her grin reaching an all time high. "You knew that, I knew you knew that, I don't know why I just told you that again." I could see her mentally slapping her self in the face as she tried to change the subject. I could smell the awkwardness between the two."Anyway, I have something for you." Kira pulled out her funky backpack and started frantically searching for something. "For me?" Scott intoned and was instantly answered by Kira. "Yeah, about the bardo, my explanation was kind of all over the place, so I did some research and printed it out for you." Kira kept looking for the research that  she desperately wanted to find. Scott chuckled."Ah you didn't have to do that."  Kira looked up from her backpack "It only took a couple hours." She said nonchalantly and went back to searching."Wow. Then you really didn't have to do that." Scott seemed surprised. Kira then mumbled something about printing the research out. Then her father suddenly went up to Kira and handed her a fairly large stack of paper. "Kira, you forgot all the research you did for that boy you like." Mr. Y said and Kira's face collapsed. She turned to Scott, cheeks the color of  tomatoes. She turned and handed Scott the papers sheepishly.


                 The minute Kira Sat down I gave her a look of sympathy. She just sighed and turned around in her seat just as Mr. Y started to talk. He then asked a reluctant Stiles to read a passage on internment camps and prisoners of war. Stiles seemed nervous at first, but got up anyway. About thirty seconds later he was on the verge of fainting and/or having a panic attack. I looked at Kira, thinking that maybe she would know more about this, not that it was any of my buisness. The attempt was fruitless, but I was worried. Scott stood up out of the sea of concerned students and took Stiles to the nurse. Thank God. My mind whispered as I opened my book to begin the dreaded history lesson.



               "Don't forget the chapters on President Carter and Commision on Wartime relocation." Mr. Y said, trying to get through to clusters of teenagers anxious to leave class and get to lunch. Kira stood up and began to pack, but then noticed the two backpacks deserted in the lonely classroom. I looked up from my backpack, and asked a simple question. "You want me to help you?" I felt bad for Kira and wanted to do something nice for her, but I also needed to make up with Scott and Stiles for totally biting their heads off a couple days ago. "Yeah sure." She said and grabbed Scott's while I took Stile's bag and started  our trek to the nurses office . "You know I really appreciate you helping me and all, but I still don't know why-" Kira's voice ran short as did her everything when she stopped dead in her tracks. I was still looking down, at my pink cheetah print flats and simple black leggings, lugging the weight of two backpacks on my shoulders was easy for me considering my super human strength. I finally looked up at a petrified Kira. A coyote was standing fiercely in front of us we tried to haul the weight of four book bags down the corridor.

                  My eyes burned an icy blue and I dropped Stiles back pack. I was preparing to take on the viscous coyote, (my first response considering my nature) when Kira suddenly jerked at  my clawed hand and shoved me into the locker room with her.  I   could've fought the coyote and I could of won considering I was one, but Kira didn't know that and I was thankful at her attempt to save my life. "What do we do now?" I asked Kira panting. "I don't know" she  seemed extremely nervous.  We ran for one of the back rows of lockers and hid there while the coyote broke through the doors window. The coyote snarled as it desperately tried to search for us. Finally, the devilish animal was with in two inches of Kira's face and She slowly got up to get away from it.

                  I couldn't slow my heart rate down, I didn't know why, but this animal was terrifying me and I couldn't do anything about it. Everything felt hopeless. My eyes were an icy blue and I could tell they weren't going to change back anytime soon. Thank God Kira was too scared to notice. I could feel my teeth grow until I wasn't able to close my mouth. My ears began to point upwards, sticking out of my hair. It was actually happening, I couldn't control my transformation. My claws began to grow longer and longer until-Scott?
                    Pulled me toward the locker and I closed my eyes so he wouldn't see. He pushed down the lockers and thankfully, by the time he turned around, I was me again.

                     "Thank you." I said gratefully and Kira gave him a gratifying look too. I just hoped Scott didn't see anything, and if he did I wanted him to keep it to himself.


A/N hi! Look, I know I said two chapters for each episode but this chapter would be too long if I put in the next part of the episode sooo, next chapter it is!!!! Sorry :( But I'm dedicated to this book and I'm going to update hopefully every day. Thank you for understanding!!!!!!!!






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