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Chapter One: Murder?

          Walking home from school really wasn't that bad. It was a good half an hour walk because my house is in the middle of nowhere surrounded by woods. As I entered my drive way and walked past the rusty mailbox labeled TATE I  noticed two cars right in front of my house. One, your standard, police car and the other a familiar beat up, blue jeep. Anxiously, I turned the doorknob to my house and pulled it opened. Dad never locked the door, he believed it was useless. “What's the point?" He would always say to me.“Nobody ever visits anyway." Ever since the accident my father has remained a shell of his former self. Miserable and grouchy took place of jubilant and fun. I pitied him, my family lost a lot that night but out of everyone, he was the one that lost the most. I couldn't imagine what he would do if he didn't have me anymore.

           Setting my backpack down, I tip-toed down the entrance hallway and into the kitchen. My father was opening a cardboard package, Sheriff Stilinski by his side.

          “I've been having a coyote problem. The population is up around here and they get into everything." My dad said pulling out a rat trap.

             I shifted uncomfortably at the sound of the word “coyote." You see, I have this huge secret that's been a secret for a long time now. I'm a werecoyote and I thought I was the only one but judging by my father's words, I may not be.  Granted it could just be a regular coyote, who knows? 

             “That doesn't look exactly big enough to catch one." The sheriff referring to the small rat trap. “It's a rat trap. Take away the coyotes source of food and they leave you alone." My father said closely examining the rat trap, and then finally put it down. “And these days to be honest I prefer to be left alone." My Dad finished, turning to the sheriff. “I understand. Just a couple of questions and then I'll leave." Stilinski said, my father turned to him and sighed sitting down.

              I decided that this was my chance to show myself. “Dad, I'm home!" I called pretending to be surprised at the vision of the sheriff in my kitchen. “W-what's he doing here?" My voice faltered. I mentally congratulated myself at the great job I was doing at acting innocent.  “Who's this?" Sheriff asked pointing at me. “This is Mavis, my daughter and the only person to survive the crash. The sheriff looked confused. “I thought that nobody survived?" He asked. My father just mumbled something about miracles and sent me to my room. I was confused, I thought the police knew that I had survived, did my father not tell them? Maybe he wanted to be left alone. Honestly I didn't know how I even survived. As far as the night of the crash went, I didn't remember much. Just my mother talking about the soccer game we had just went to for Malia and then swerving out of control. After that I fainted. But I woke up two days later in some sort of ravine covered in slashes and bite marks, ever since then I've been a werecoyote.

              My room was ruined due to some sort of flooding when I was away so I was using my sister, Malia's old room. It wasn't much , just a girly little room covered in toys and pink paint. As I went further down into the hallway I heard the family dog Apollo barking like crazy, same old Apollo. Although it wasn't unusual for the family dog to freak out, I sprinted to Malia's room anyways and stood in the doorway staring straight at the spastic dog trying to get him to quiet down. “Apollo! Apollo shut up! Apollo shut the hell up!" My father screamed, that calmed him down. I sighed and relaxed, but that didn't last very long. My advanced sense of smell picked up a sent. I looked up, and two boys from my school stood in Malia's room dumbfounded.

             “Stiles? Scott?" I intoned “What are you doing here?" I angrily asked. Scott just stood there trying to think of an excuse. “Helping Sheriff Stilinski out." He said and Stiles just nodded. “So you snuck into my sister's room, invaded her privacy and didn't even ask!" I said, rage filling my voice. I felt my eyes start to burn blue, so I slowly  calmed down.“Well yeah..." Stiles  said. “Get out." I said calmly and pointed to the nearest door. They both looked at each other and ran for the door fumbling with the doorknob until it opened. I was furious. How could they invade my sister's bedroom like that? I speed-walked into the kitchen and was about to tell them the scene I had just taken part in, when the word “Murder" escaped my father's mouth. “I spent eight years think that it was an accident and now your telling me it could be murder? Who The hell would want to murder my wife and girls? My whole family?" My father looked devastated and judging by the impression I got on him, he was.“That's what I wanna find out." Sheriff Stilinski said. “I don't-I don't want to redefine this entire nightmare as an unsolved murder. Accident that's what I've spent eight years getting used to, accident, not murder."My father buried his head in his hands while the sheriff tried to stutter an apology. Angrily, I walked out of the shadows and spoke to Stilinski. “I think you should leave. Now please. " I said running to comfort my dad. “I'm sorry." He said, slowly backing away and walked out of the front door.


           That night, it was difficult to fall asleep. I couldn't help thinking I was a little hard on Scott and Stiles. I should apologize tomorrow. I thought and slowly started to drift of to sleep.






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