Frantic Sheriff

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Chapter 13: Frantic Sheriff

       We ran into the Sheriff's Station faster then lighting and pushed open the doors with all our strength. “Mr.Stilinski!" Scott called running into the sheriff's office. “He's gone Stiles is gone." Scott yelled pratically sprinting to Stillinski's aid.

         He was in the middle of talking to Deputy Parish until he turned around to face us, an agitated look on his face. “What!" Sheriff Stilinski put his hand on the table waiting for an explanation. “He just called me, explaining things, but we need to find him." Scott finished explaining every thing to the sheriff, and by the ending point, Stilinski was almost in tears. But he put on a brave face and started braking out orders.

          “If his jeep is gone, that's were we start." Scott nodded to confirm that Stiles's jeep was in fact not in the driveway when we went to the house. The sheriff then went to the deputy, a somber look on his face. “Parrish, let's get an APB on a blue 1980 CJ-5 jeep. Cordova, I want a list of any industrial basement or sub-level of any building that he could've gotten into while sleep walking. It's the coldest  night of the year so far, so if he's out there in just a t shirt he could already be hypothermic, let's move fast, let's think fast. " The cops just ran into each other and stumbled, frantically trying to get work done.The sheriff then looked at us, “The three of you come with me."


A/N Hi guys! I'm sorry it's so short!!!!!!!!!!! But I just wanted to capture the sadness the sheriff must've felt after losing his son. Especially since he knew about all of this supernatural stuff more then he did in season two or even three.  And I know it's long anticipated so I at least wanted to do something for you guys. I'll write more of this episode soon!

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