Sneaking Out

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Chapter 7: Sneaking Out

                 It was about twelve thirty p.m when Stiles called me on his cell I groggily picked up the phone just in time for the fourth ring. “Stiles? What do you want its late." I complained rubbing my bleary eyes as I reluctantly stood up out of bed. “Wow..hello to you too, geez." He mumbled and continued talking before I could come up with a witty expression to fire back at him. “Listen we're gonna need your coyote...things with a little something down at the sheriff's station." Stiles didn't say anything else until I asked him for an explanation. So, he gave me one a pretty thorough, pretty long explanation about Kira, the power substation, and the whole sneaking in to get Kira's phone back thing.

           “Kira's phone? Why in the holy hell are you waking me up so we can get a stupid phone!"

            “Whoa, scary Mavis, look I was pissed about it too, but turns out there's this pic that Kira doesn't want anyone to see."

            “What like a...naked picture?" I asked Stiles wearily. The silence on the other end of the phone answered my question so I mumbled a quick “Be right there" and threw on some clothes.

             Sneaking around the house was the hardest part. Malia's only been home for a day and being  out in the woods for eight years can have some affect on you so I tried to avoid her as much I could. Stiles and Scott told me about Malia coyoteness and I was still getting used to that. The fact that Malia is a werecoyote explained alot. She must've lost control on the full moon, and killed my mom. It does make up some pretty good explanations about my past (ex. how I survived the car crash.)

              It took a long time, but I was finally able to reach the front door of the house without too many floorboards creaking. Now to get to the Sheriffs Station. I thought a smile erupting on my face.


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