Revenge of the Demonic Ninja's

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Chapter 10: Revenge of the Demonic Ninja's

     Beep beep! “Ugh!" I lifted up the soft, plush comforter from my body and got put off my (now deflated) air matress to check my phone. Six A.M is way too early for me to wake up. I groaned and mumbled until I got to my bureau on the other side of the small room.

     Now that Malia is back, Dad has gone out of his way to make her feel happy, and since my room is currently a dirty mess due to a flooding accident a couple years back, (see chapter one) I had to use Malia's room. But now she's here again and I had everything taken away from me. My privacy, my “room", my Dad. It wasn't like I was jealous of Malia for stealing father's attention, I wasn't like that, it was just everything had changed since she'd arrived again. I'm not gonna lie to you, the only thing Malia and I have in common, is that we're both werecoyotes. That's it. We're not like normal siblings, you know the whole, sharing clothes, fighting with each other, and gossiping. We don't even talk. Ever.

    It was always so awkward. She knew I was a werecoyote, I knew she was one too, and we never needed anymore closure then that.

    Another beep from my phone, sent me back from my mind and into the whirlwind of reality. I flinched. I didn't want Malia to wake up, she needed her sleep, sure she wasn't used to sleeping on a nice comfortable bed, but that's the way we do it in the land of the living. I sighed and checked my messages:

Stiles: Do you need a drive to school today?

Me: No I think I'll walk, but thanks :)

   Ok time to get ready for another day in Beacon Hills's torture chamber. I thought and went to the kitchen to have some breakfast.



  “So then she starts talking about phosphorus and  the key having chemicals on it right? And then that made me think of the chemistry closet and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in."

    It was before homeroom and Stiles had shown us into the chemistry room to explain something, he kept flailing his arms around and looking at us while talking faster then the speed of light. He then looked straight at the blackboard, where the coded message telling Barrow to kill Kira lived.

   But something was off...“It's gone." Stiles said, his face drooping like a naughty hounddog's  He changed the subject and looked at the chemistry closet. “It doesn't mater though, I've still got the key" Stiles spastically waved his hands around looking frantically for the key on his key ring, all while inching his way toward the chemistry closet.

    “I had it here this morning, I swear to God I had it this morning"

       Apparently, he didn't find it. “Wait, the key you were talking about last night?" Scott said, a look of realization etched onto his face.

  “Yeah, I showed it to you right? Didn't I show it to you?" Stiles said, he seemed extremely worried, no scratch that, he was really worried. Scott sighed “No, I never actually saw it, Mavis was the one you showed it to."

     Stiles looked at me expectantly. “Yeah you showed it to me, in your jeep remember?" I said, prompting him a little bit. I was getting a little worried about Stiles, he seemed really off today.

    He didn't answer me, instead, Stiles just looked at the blackboard that used to read the coded message.

   “And the message left to Barrow, telling him to kill Kira was in my handwriting, and I had the key to the chemistry closet." Stiles was wide eyed, sporting many bags underneath. He looks like he hasn't slept in days! I told myself, and was about to tell him that but Scott got there before me.

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