The Confession

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   Standing near Scott's locker with Lydia, I could tell that they, like me, were tense. Even if they didn't have a huge fight with their respective fathers this morning, we were all worried about Stiles and his well-being. Especially me. I thought and sighed.

  “Are you alright?" Lydia asked me, Scott looked up as well, concerned.

   “My father and I got into a big fight this morning." I stated, soberly. I knew that I shouldn't sweat too much about it, but it's been weird since I got back to my dad, and back to Beacon hills. I hated looking him in the face, not telling him what I know. Just lying to him added on to the heavy load I was carrying.

  I cant imagine what Malia must feel. Having to carry all that guilt from the car crash. My mind shattered, thinking about Malia again. I need to see her, soon. My mental checklist was updated and I kept the thought within the depths of my brain.

“Malia...?" Scott's worried voice sent me flying through the atmosphere and back into real life. I looked at him, ready to answer his next question.

“What was the fight about?" He asked, his full attention on me.

“Malia. She's in a mental institution. My dad said it will 'help her get better'" I spoke, with a tremble. “I didn't get it because Malia is fine. She doesn't really talk to me much but, I was planning to get to know her better. I mean, maybe we have more in common than I thought." I told them.

  “Hey." Lydia looked at me, with a very sincere face. “We'll figure it out" she said. I wish I believed that. I pondered the statement Lydia had just made as we sat in silence, rudely interrupted by the chorus of slamming lockers followed by utter quiet, almost like a pre-planned sequence.

More lockers closed. Lydia jumped.

“Are you okay?" I inquired a stressed out Lydia.

“Yeah, just a little hypersensitive to loud sounds today." She said. Scott then added in his two cents.

  “They're doing tests on Stiles all afternoon. I was going to go over around 6:00 to visit. Wanna come with me?" He asked both of us.

   “I should probably just go home." Lydia jumped up again. More loud lockers and slamming doors followed.

  “You sure you're okay?" Scott intoned.

  “Yeah, I'll text you later." She looked at me, then Scott and slowly walked out of the door, cringing every time a door or locker slammed, or even when a loud noise was heard. We both looked at Lydia until she finally walked out of the school. 

“Well I'm going." I spoke to fill the silence. “I'd like to see him." I said, smirking just thinking about Stiles. I tensed up. Scott sensed it.

  “Mavis?" He asked, smiling. “Do you like Stiles?"

   “No!" I blushed. God, he's gonna figure me out. But I couldn't stop blushing, I was thankful I didn't start growing claws in the middle of the corridor.

  “Your heart skipped a beat. You're lying!" Scott stated, poking me in the stomach.

“Okay! Okay! I like Stiles, is that so bad?" I asked, akwardly.

“No. I'm just...surprised." Scott said, his smile ending.

“Promise me you won't tell him? Please, there's too many things going on it would just get to weird, especially when his health is affected right now. I ju-"

“Don't worry I'm not gonna tell him. " Scott chimed in. “Your secret is safe with me."

I hope so. I wondered. I can trust Scott right? Yeah. I can trust him.  Even though I hadn't known him for long. I knew he could keep secrets. Besides, he's been keeping a pretty big one from a pretty large group of people. “Good. See you at six!" I said and walked out of the door , anxious to end my conversation with Scott. It comforted me to know that even though I wasn't really a normal teenager I could still have somewhat normal situations like a crush. I smiled and climbed the steps onto the big yellow school bus.

A/N: Hey!! So, this chapters kinda short, it originally was not going to be, but I feel like we're making progress!! Next chapter, I'm writing about the big MRI! Exciting. I think the next chapter will be much longer, so don't worry about that sort of thing.  But, I also wanted to talk to you about another thing, the big epilogue is coming soon, I'm sorry to say. I've actually already written the ending and I think you guys will be pretty happy with it. So, please let me know how you like these last few chapters. It's funny, because to me, it seems like I got a lot to write, but at the same time, I keep telling myself that it's not. Does that happen to any of you other writers out there? Be sure to tell me in the comments! Also, give me feedback on the new (but short) chapter. I really hope you like it. I'm glad Mavis's and Stiles's relationship is progressing (took them long enough) and I hope you are too. In, one of the chapters coming soon, Mavis and Malia will have some bonding time!!! So, get excited for that! I know I am to write it! Okay, now I'm rambling and you guys probably don't want to read such a long authors note so I'm gonna stop and go to bed cause it's 12 now. Thanks SO much to everyone supporting this book and inspiring me to write it again! I love you all!

Oh, also I wanna give a shout out to gale822, she inspired me to start writing again, and I'm so glad I gave her the inspiration to write another chapter which you should go read! Love you guys! Thanks again! :) :) I wanna spread this Teen Wolf fan fiction appreciation, so might do these shout outs every chapter I update (I suddenly realize I should've done this sooner) but if I forget...It's probably because it's late at night and im tired. Which I am guilty of...all the time ;) Anways, I hope you like the chapter, look out for more soon (that's a promise) And remember, updates in the about me, feel free to comment or message me about questions on the book. But all in all, look out for another original chapter pretty soon, and a (hopefully) longER one coming next. Thanks for all who stayed till the end! Much appreciated! :)
Love you guys, bye! :) ;) :)




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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