Finding Stiles

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Chapter 14: Finding Stiles

                “Is there anything you need to tell me that I couldn't tell anyone out there?" The sheriff spoke his words slowly, looking at Scott, Isaac, and I at different times, pausing to go back and forth every few seconds. “Lydia knew she was missing." Scott told him, his eyes wide. “Can she help find him?" Stilinski intoned, completely immersed in the situation.“Well...she's working on it." I replied for Scott thinking about Lydia and Aiden back in Stiles's room. “Can you find him by scent?"  Before we could reply to his question, there was a knock on the door. Deputy Parrish slid the wooden door open and looked right into the sheriff's eyes. “We got it sir. We found the jeep."

              About a half-an-hour later, I was running like a mad man to Stiles's jeep that was apparently in the parking lot of the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. Why? I have no idea. But I followed sheriff Stilinski, a thousand different things running back and forth through my head during there daily commute.  Stilinski checked a few things before turning to us and a couple of other cops and said, “His jeep is dead, must've left the lights on. We frantically ran through the french doors of the infamous hospital, Everybody hastily trying to help. Mrs. McCall ran toward the sheriff, her sweet sympathetic look, that she wears all the time.

            “Security's doing sweeps of every floor. Nothing yet." She said, looking at the sheriff, a scorched, and almost distinguished hope lit in her like a weary candle. “What about the basement?" Stilinski asked, worried out of his mind. “Follow me." She said motioning her hand as we all got a move on.


             Isaac, Scott, and I ran up the stairs leading to the  roof of the hospital. This was our only hope. If we didn't find Stiles here, that was it. He was gone. I walked up the last step and ran onto the roof. Strange scents overwhelmed me and yanked me backwards. Stress, fear, anxiety, struggle, hardship. It was all Stiles's emotions. I battled to force them out of my mind and tried to focus on the figure standing about twenty feet away from us. It was Derek.

           Scott must've called him. I snorted while, the figure turned around to look at us. “He's not here. Not anymore." He said. Perfect. Stiles was gone, and the last hope I had in me was running out like sand in an hourglass, pretty soon it will fade away. But, Scott, still needed reaffirmation. “The whole building?" He asked, a small twinge of hope, drained out of his eyes like a collander when he heard Derek's answer.


          I sighed and nodded my head towards Scott. “I'll go tell Stilinski.  I ran and Isaac turned to find Allison.

         The sheriff was walking down the third floor when I finally saw him.

          “Stillinski!" Oops...might've yelled a little too loud. I was just anxious to find Stiles, it was killing me. But. It was wrong. He was just a friend. A friendly friend. “He's not here. Not in the whole building." The sheriff sighed, his weary eyes were sunken in and his back was bent in the slightest way. You could tell just by glancing at him that he was tired. Really tired. “Alright Mavis." He glanced at me again, almost unsure of what he was hearing. “Okay, listen, you've got school in less seven hours, go home, go to bed."

           That made me mad. “But...but, I wanna help!" I groaned. “Theres nothing left. We cant find Stiles, just go home and I'm sure Scott will give you a status update." I surrendered.

           “Fine goodnight. I have to think anyways, got a lot on my mind." I gave a weak laugh and walked out of the building solemly.

          So this was it? Was Stiles really gone?

OKAY! IM BAAAAACK! Sorry for not updating for like 2 whole months? I just wasn't in the mood, but now, I have 800 reads and I'm ready to start writing!!! Thanks for the wait and appreciation! But just so you know I wont be on this account a lot. Its kind of become  a back up for my new account SnowxQueen__  so you guys should go follow that! pwetty pwease???

Thanks guys





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