Stay Strong (Teen Wolf)

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Chapter 00: Conversations at lunch.

I walked into class with a kind of full-blown confidence. Something about going back to Beacon Hills eight years after the accident that changed my life was both tragic and invigorating. Tragic because, the rest of my family, including my fraternal twin sister Malia had died in the the horrible disaster. Invigorating because...well I don't know yet. Something about this year just gave me the chills, I had a feeling something exciting was going to happen, I just didn't know when. I trailed behind the principal as he led me to my first class, History with Mr. Yukimaura. We walked into the room and the principal gave a slight knock on the door.

"Excuse me Mr. Yukimaura, it seems we have a new student. Class this is Mavis Tate." He said. After introducing me, the principal left the room as quickly as he came. I felt the stares of at least thirty kids eyeballs burning a hole in my floral cardigan as I turned and asked the teacher were to sit.

"Uh...just sit right over there next to Kira. I'm sure by now, you all know my daughter Kira, although you might not considering she's never mentioned anyone from class or brought a friend home for that matter." Mr Yukimaura let out a long sigh as he pointed to Kira in the back. "Either way there she is. Now let's begin with American history at the turn of the twentieth century." He finished.

This was going to be a long day...


At the end of class I high-tailed it out of the room and made a run for my locker. Ugh. I hated history. What's the point of leading about dead guys in powdered wigs. I mean there dead for a reason. I opened my locker quickly but couldn't help overhearing a conversation between Kira and her father, Mr. Yukimaura.

"I thought you said you wanted to make friends." Mr.Y said.

"Not like that!" Kira replied swiftly.

"You said you wanted to be noticed."

"I could set myself on fire and be noticed!"

"Then you'd be dead."

"Exactly." Kira fired back.

I frowned. If Kira wanted friends so badly then I'll give her one. I'm gonna sit with her at lunch tomorrow. I decided, it was final besides, I'm new and I could use a friend as well. I mentally noted the lunch project and walked off to chemistry with a satisfied strut.


I searched the crowd of people outside to find one face that would be willing to sit with me. It failed, so as usual I sat by myself in an empty table beside the trash cans. When it seemed like all hope was lost a girl sat down plopping her tray next to mine. "Hi I'm Mavis." She said and stuck her hand out for me to shake. "Kira." I replied, giving the hand a firm shake. "I know." Mavis replied smiling, "We're in the same history class." The memory of what happened in history almost made me jump up and Sprint away from the table leaving Mavis for dead. "Oh wow am I grateful to see you. I thought nobody would ever want to talk to me after what my dad did today." I smiled, finally I have a friend , it took me long enough! I thought, half distracted. A conversation from another table drifted by my ear.

"Okay so what happens when a person comes out of a near death experience seeing things?" A shaggy haired tan boy said. "And is unable to tell what's real or not?" His friend followed up. "And is being haunted by dead relatives from her past?" A pretty brunette haired girl then added to shaggy boy's comment.

I gasped and suddenly turned to Mavis. "I know what there talking about!" I said and ran to shaggy boy's lunch table.


Kira gasped and pivoted her head to face me. "I know what there talking about!" She said and made a run for another table. "Wait what Kira!" I said, clearly shocked and/or confused. I followed Kira to the other table just in time.

"Hi sorry, I couldn't help over hear what you guys were talking about And I think I might actually know what you guys are talking about. There's a Tibetan word for it. It's called Bardo it literally means in between state. The state between life and death." Kira interrupted.

"And what to the call you?" A preppy, strawberry blonde haired girl said to Kira. I was about to answer when a boy sitting at the end of the table did it for me. "Kira, she's in our history class." He said and smiled. The boy got a big grin back from Kira too. "And you?" The preppy girl pointed a salad fork at me ever so slightly. "I'm Mavis, I just moved here." I said. One by one they began to introduce themselves until preppy girl (a.k.a Lydia) interrupted. "So are you talking Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?" "I don't know" Kira said sitting down. "Either I guess. But all the stuff you guys were just saying, all that happens in Bardo. There are different states were you can have hallucinations, some you see, some you just hear. And you can be visited by peaceful and wrathful deities."

"Wrathful deities? What are those?" Isaac questioned. "Like demons." Kira said smiling. "Demons" A boy named Stiles said simply. "Why not?"

He asked. I chuckled at his remark. Then Allison chimed in. "Hold on if there are different progressive states then what's the last one?" "Death. You die." Kira said, nonchalantly.

"Okaaay" Stiles said packing his things and grabbing his bag, several other students at the table started to do that too. "Well this has been fun but, we have got to go." Stiles finished, slinging his backpack on his shoulder. "But uh...hey! Thanks again for the Bardo and the demons, it sure was uh...helpful...yeah..." He fumbled with his things a little more while facing me and finally left with a small "Bye."

I laughed and waved to him. Maybe this school thing wouldn't be so hard after all.

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