fuck my fears bruh

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Wednesday, April 13th 2022 4:22 p.m

Guess who reacted off emotions and fears and they wanna break up cs they seen sum in his acc ???

Yeah lmao.

I regret it ofc. But i feel like my reaction was only so bad because

1. He's said things that involved ole girl that I didn't like.

2. I had a bad feeling ab her for a while but couldnt justify it until now.

3. I was stressed and sleep deprived.

I stayed up alllllll day yesterday studing for this damn biology test coming up. They didn't give us no type of details ab whether or not it determines if we pass or fail. And y'all know i hate biology bruh 🙁

My moms on my ass ab missing assignments to the point where she'll wake me up 2 hours before I'm supposed to b up so i can do em EVEN THOUGH I've told her there NOT MISSING.

I've js been so fucking out of it. And i hate when i act like that especially towards him because he doesnt deserve that shit. If anyone would b understanding and compassion towards me ab it, it would b him. But part of me hates shows that I'm struggling. I shut people out and hurt people because I'm going through it and yes its wayyyyy better than it used to b but I still have a long way to go.

So instead of being my usual self and saying sum smart I flipped out and broke up with him because I got scared.

The one main problems I have with Mar is

He tells people who havent even met me shit if we're going thru it and lets them say whatever. Like ik you can't control what people say but don't let nb all me out my name because I don't let that shit happen when its you.

I really do love him, he has my whole heart and I've been thru it with his ass frl. I still got my shit to work on and my emotions is the biggest thing because for a long ass time that's what all my choices where made off of.

Now I miss him and i feel bad. Like fuck bruh. Why are my fears so much louder than my reasoning?


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