15 | Visit Pt. 2

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Wakatoshi and I continued to converse about school and practice. He did end up telling me about the incident and I was able to cheer him up. Mainly by telling him about the fights the first years are picking with each other over who will become the next ace of the team.

"I feel like they want to get rid of me." He laughed.


"I'd like to step outside."

He began getting up. Clearly struggling, I gave him a helping hand. Holding his arm, I helped him maintain his balance while we stepped outside.

We stood near the little garden. I looked over at the irises and the apricots still growing. I took notice of a new sort of plants in the front section. I couldn't tell what they are, they're still little sprouts.

"Will you be able to make it to our next lesson?"

"I think so. I have a feeling I'll be back to school soon."

"That's great."

I snuck a glance at him. He was looking at the flower bed.

"I remember you told me long ago your favorite flowers were roses."

"They still are."

"Some things just never change, do they? I still remember our first encounter with a flower, do you?"

"Where was it again? I forget."

"The little lavender than grew on the hill in my backyard. I wonder what it looks like now."

"It crosses my mind from time to time."

I didn't say anything.

"What happened?" He looked at me, pools of concern in his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"What happened to you that made it all change?"

I knew exactly what he was talking about. He wanted to know why I disappeared and when I came back, I wasn't the same.

"It's more of a private matter, but there was a major change in my life and my health that changed me."

He didn't respond. Was he upset?

"I'm really sorry you had to go through such things."

"Oh no no! Don't apologize. I should be the one to apologize in fact."

I grinned.

That's when a figure appeared next to us. His grandmother spoke.

"Your mother wishes to see you."

She looked at me distastefully. I got the hint; she wanted me to leave.

"It was great seeing you, Wakatoshi. If you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave."

"Thank you for coming, Hana."

"I'll see you soon."

Author: Ushijima's mother's side<<<

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