chapter 1

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your mother wouldn't approve
of how my mother raised me
but i do
i think i do.

Before being adapted by Hydras lifestyle, Lana Pierce's life was almost normal.

It was only her and her mother, Victoria Pierce. They weren't the wealthiest or the happiest of families but they got by.

Victoria had gotten pregnant with Lana at 14, the father left as soon as he could and Victoria's parents were not very impressed. They came from a rich family so when Victoria had told them she was pregnant, they chose the family's reputation over their daughter.

So it was only Victoria and Lana, and their cat Betty.

Lana's mother liked to get drunk a lot, every day in fact. She knew not to disturb Victoria when she'd had a few glasses- yet she would still keep an eye out in case she hurt herself.

One day, Victoria came home earlier from work- it was a weekend and Lana was sat in their small home trying to finish her homework, Betty purring next to her, creating a small sense of comfort for the stressed child. When she saw her mother home already she walked towards her concerned.

"Mom? You're home early.." Lana stated warily, seeing what kind of mood the older lady was in.

Victoria only pushed pass Lana when she stood in front of her by the door, until finally calling out, "Well, I'm gonna be early for a while. I got fired from the shit hole." She laughed in her boisterous, deprecating manner as Lana could hear a new bottle of wine being opened.

The young girls mind raced as she thought of ways she could maybe get money while her mother was picking herself back up to get a new job. Her mind attempted options yet none of them sounded promising, suddenly this all was forgotten when she heard the bottle breaking it the room next to her, then the cries of her pet.

They were high pitched like a baby, but quieter. And then it stopped.

"Mom?" Lana yelled out more perturbed than before. Her eyes widened with tears appearing when she saw her mothers state.

She saw a red bottle of wine broken on the ground, the glass pieces shattered across the kitchen floor with the blood coloured juice in puddles. Next to this her beloved cat, with large blood spots patched on it's dark fur.

Lana immediately dashed to the lifeless cats body while her tears spilled out. "Betty.." she whispered trying not to get angry. It wasn't her mothers fault, she repeated to herself, she's sick.

"Oh..oh I'm so sorry baby.." Victoria slurred, placing her arm around the young girl and giving her a kiss on the crown of her head.

Lana looked at her mother with tears dampening both her cheeks. "Why'd you do that mom?" Her tone wasn't angry or even upset, but disappointed. She was disappointed her mother would take away the one thing she loved. Lana wasn't expecting a response and honestly she knew her mother was barely aware of the situation as she was so out of her own mind.

"Let's get you to bed mom.." Lana stated, trying to pick herself up- knowing they can't both be in a bad mindset, she had to be the strong one for the two of them.


That next morning, Lana went back down into the kitchen, making sure to not wake up her mother.

She saw the dead cat in the same place as last night, she picked it up carefully- throwing her out the window, her heart pouring out with the feline.

She picked herself back up, trying to stay strong. Walking up the stairs to wake Victoria up.

But when she went to the room, Lana found her mother dead in the bed.

What was worse, was she wasn't surprised. Victoria had had a drinking problem for a while now, which made her extremely sick because of the cheap continuous alcohol.

It also caused to make rash decisions.

She'd been seen with pills on multiple occasions, which terrified Lana.

With this in mind she knew she would have to leave immediately.

Her breath was shaky and unprepared yet she still went with the plan she knew she would have to follow through eventually. She then kissed her mothers deceased forehead and whispered her final goodbyes before running out of the house- carrying any belongings with her name on them, which wasn't a lot, as she began her new life.

Shortly, Hydra found her.

hey everyone:) sorry for the super intense start with nothing to do with the twins- they will be included in the next chapter i just wanted an introduction to lana with her backstory

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