Who is that?:1

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Mark wasn't a regular person. At the age of 14 he had went camping with a group of friends and their families. What he didn't know is after hiding in a cave in a game of hide&seek that there was a spider. That  spider had bit him and ultimately changed his life, at the time he didn't think too much about it until one  day he started having these senses and he was able to sense danger and even started to climb things and jumping high. Of course he was freaked out but that didn't stop him from showing his family.

He was confused when they made him swore to secrecy that he wouldn't tell anyone. He did it none the less but there was one moment where he was able and to pick really heavy things and even fight better. That made him think what if he could be kind like a hero like the ones he sees on tv. After that day he asked his sister who designed clothes to make a suit for him he designed it pretty much himself and while waiting on it he made this weird web contraption that was now his new web fluid. Mark was smart so it wasn't really hard to figure out how to make webs.

He built something to to shoot his webs from and when his suit was ready he'd test out the webs little by little until he worked his way to swinging building from building and that same day he saw a crime and that's how Spider-Man came to be. His parents found and at first were against it because they didn't want him to get hurt but seeing how he was helping the community and his father they let him be as long it wasn't nothing too crazy.

Outside of his family Jeno was the only person who knew who he was as one day while sleeping over caught mark sneaking into the room on the roof at like 5 in the morning. He made Jeno keep quite and Jeno agreed he was just excited for his friend.

Mark who was now 20 had woken up to the loud blaring of his alarm and groaned in response.Truth be told he was out late last night fighting bad guys and even though it was easy it was still tiring for him. He rolled out his bed and got up. Still feeling tired he didn't care too much about his appearance. He put on gray sweatpants, a white t-shirt and a plain black green hoodie that he didn't notice had a chocolate stain. He lastly paired it with his air forces before grabbing his bag and phone and leaving the room. He walked pass the vacant room that his old roommate, his bestfriend used to stay in but now stayed with his boyfriend.

He saw a paper that said something about a roommate but dismissed it when he noticed the time and just rushed out his dorm. He made sure to lock the door before running down the stairs from the 5th floor all the way to the first floor. He ran his way to the school and once arriving there he went to his music class just in time.He normally walked to school because he gets to look out for danger and get a peaceful walk plus it was only a few blocks away but of course he could drive if he wanted. When he got to class he found a spot that was being saved by his friend. "Mark!" Jeno exclaimed. Mark sat down and laid his head down.

"Long night?" Jeno asked. "Mark lifted his head to look at the younger. "Yeah, I got back home like 4am, because after fighting I made sure to patrol the streets.." mark explained in a whisper. Jeno was about to reply when their teacher caught their attention, well maybe not only the teacher but the beautiful boy that was standing next to him aswell. "Class! This your new classmate! He majors in Music just as you guys do so give him a warm welcome!" Their teacher yelled but Mark seem to be more distracted by the kids beauty.

The class clapped their hands, every single one of them looking at the new student in awe. He wasn't even wearing anything special, just some light wash blue denim jeans that hugged his thighs and waist so perfectly and a pink sweater that he matched with his white converse, his brown hair that was curled made him look adorable especially with how his cheeks had turned red from being flustered at the attention he was receiving. In marks opinion he looked like a ball of sunshine, even his skin was sun kissed.

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