Midnight Tragedies :13

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Marks dad had gotten mark out of the scene, he was able to get him to his house where mark finally broke down. "Markie!" His sister yelled seeing her dad help mark walk to the couch and mark who looked beaten up crying. His sister hugged him gently not hurt him.

"I'm a murder ..." mark sobbed. "What is he talking about you didn't kill anyone." His sister said. "How can you say that!" Mark yelled. Startling his father and sister. "I couldn't save his parents......I let our mother go out because she was looking for me and she got killed because of me!" Mark yelled. "You didn't kill your mother that kid did!" Marks dad yelled.

"It doesn't matter that he  fucking shot her. She was looking for me! I was the reason she was out that night! I fucking killed her!" Mark cried as he stood up. "I can't be here she's everywhere." Mark said hitting his head as he felt his mothers presence. "Mark sit back down you're not okay." His sister said softly as she teared up seeing her brother like this.

Mark didn't listen even with a limp he exited the house. Using his webs to get back home. Even with the pain he was in he just couldn't be in the house that reminded him too much of his mother. He went into his own room through the window. Closing the window and letting himself drop to the floor.

A few years back

There was a night he fought with his parents as a teenager. The fight regarding that they wanted him to calm down with the saving people. At the time mark liked the popularity and he was angry at his parents for not understanding how cool this was for him. He had ended up leaving the house that night.

Marks mom decided to go after him. She couldn't help feeling scared for her child being out at night even with his powers. She ran through the busy city looking for her son. Mark sat upon the the city lights watching his mother look for him.unfortunately while looking for mark that led her to an alley, an alley mark didn't notice her go into as he busied himself with his phone. Going through that alley caused her to stroll upon someone getting stabbed. She let out a scream that made her known but she ran before the murder could come after her.

She ran for her life and even made it to the city again but then a shot was heard. The shot so loud even mark heard it making him look for the scene. Marks mother clutched the wound as she fell over on the floor making many scream and run. Mark jumped to her immediately as his tears fell. "Mom." He whispered. "Mom it's me what happened?" Mark asked holding her cheek.Mark was in his suit so his identity was hidden fortunately "My Minhyung....you're okay." She smiled holding the younger's cheek as she could tell he was crying . "Mom you're okay....you're okay." Mark cried.

"Minhyung...don't cry....I'm fine...it's just a scratch." His mother said but mark didn't believe her as he felt her blood drench his suit. "Mom..I love you you can't leave me.."mark sobbed. "I'll never leave you Minhyung...I love you too much." Her eyes slowly closing but her smile never dropped. "Stay awake mom, you have to." Mark said checking her pulse and finding it faint.

"I will....I just need to rest my eyes.." his mom said closing her eyes. For a moment mark felt no pulse and it made his heart dropped. As cops came he knew he needed to get out of there so that what he did using his webs to get home. Mark burst through the house seeing his dad on the couch concerned as he looked at his son. Mark dropped to his knees as he pulled of his mask. "She's gone dad.....she's gone..." mark cried as his dad was quick to get close to him. "Whose gone? Mark why are you covered in blood?" Marks dad asked frantically.

"Mom is gone...they killed her.." mark cried as his dad held him tightly.

Even to this day mark still has that suit but he keeps it in a the shed at his dads house he couldn't bare to look at it or throw it away. That day was hard for mark he fell into a depression he felt so sure it was entirely his fault for his mothers death and there were times he felt he didn't deserve to be here and instead she should. Marks dad had to get him help. Putting him in therapy and keeping him surrounded by his loved ones. Marks dad and sister never once blamed him for that day.

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