Uneasy feeling:16

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Going back to the Spider-Man life was a little more difficult than mark  thought. It wasn't like he had a problem with fighting or anything but being in a relationship made things a lot more difficult, especially with someone clingy as Donghyuck. Mark didn't mind it of course but he felt bad every time he had to sneak out of the younger's arms when they were sleeping. He was also very scared of getting caught, he's just happy Donghyuck hadn't notice anything.

Jeno smacked marks head to get his attention as he was in deep thought. They were at lunch and Jeno had just arrived. "You know if this is stressing you so much why don't you just tell him." Jeno suggested. "It feels too early, I don't want to scare him..."mark reasoned. "Donghyuck..cares a lot about you I don't think this will scare him away." Jeno quickly went quiet seeing Donghyuck walk up to them with Renjun and chenle by his side. Mark smiled pulling Donghyuck to sit on his lap. "How was vocal training?" Mark asked caressing the younger's bare waist as it was exposed.

"It was fine, just regular training." Donghyuck shrugged. "Regular training my ass, a scout was there and asked if Donghyuck wanted to audition." Renjun shook his head. "Wait that's so good Hyuck!" Mark exclaimed. "I know..but I don't really want to, I want to finish college." Donghyuck sighed. "That's fine..you have more than enough time." Mark kissed his hand. Donghyuck thought this habit was so cute that mark did.

"Oo taeyong and jaehyun heading this way." Chenle warned and Donghyuck quickly got off marks lap and smiled innocently at his brother that arrived. Don't look at me like that, I could see you sitting on his lap from a mile away." Taeyong clicked his tongue. "Surprise...we're dating." Donghyuck raised their intertwined hands. As Taeyong started to talk make felt his senses enhance. Mark let go of Donghyuck's hand making Donghyuck look at him confused. "I uh need to go.." mark said. "Are you okay? Do you want me to come?" Donghyuck whispered.

"No....its okay I just have a problem......in my pants." Mark lied but hit hands with over his crotch to make it look like he was hiding a boner. "Oh.." Donghyuck blushed. Mark pecked his lips before leaving quickly. "Where mark go? Taeyong questioned. "Home since he doesn't have any other classes." Donghyuck covered for the older. After lunch everyone went to their respective classes. Donghyuck was walking to his when he bumped into someone that spilled coffee on him.

"I'm sorry, I was in a rush!" The man apologized. "It's uh okay.." Donghyuck said looking at the stain on his hoodie. "No I'll buy you a knew one..what's your name." The male said frantically tryna wipe Donghyuck's stain. "Oh I'm Donghyuck and you?" Donghyuck asked. "Saki..." the male answered dropping his arms to his side. "That's a cool tattoo you have there "you only have one life to live" what does it mean?" Donghyuck asked. "Do everything you want while you're alive." Saki answered. "And the katana?" Donghyuck questioned.

"I don't know I just like them.."saki said with a smirk before walking away. Donghyuck felt that conversation was weird but he just shrugged it off.

Saki left the school going to an alleyway where he left his suit. He quickly changed behind a dumpster can. He jumped when a car drove into the alley way. He made sure he was hidden. He was as a man stepped out. "Doesn't go to my school?" Saki asked himself. He almost life seeing he was wearing a silly Spider-Man costume. He watched them pull on a mask before using webs to climb a wall. Saki's eyes widened. "That kid is Spider-Man....this just made things a little too easy." Saki laughed pulling out his katana.

Mark went to work straight after handling business. For some reason he felt uneasy like something bad was going to happen. He shook it off however and focused on helping his customers. Donghyuck came a little later but joined mark at the cafe. Doyoung was with them as well serving his customers. Donghyuck noticed mark uneasy behavior so when they had a break he brought mark to a Bathroom stall.

"You okay hyung?" Donghyuck looked at the older with concern. Mark let out a sigh. "Yeah I'm fine." Mark smiled. "You know you can talk to me whenever you want..." Donghyuck caressed marks face and mark fell into the comfort. To be honest mark didn't know what was wrong with him really. "I know." Mark sod catching Donghyuck's hand and placing a kiss on it.

"You're so cute, you know?" Donghyuck said blushing. Mark shook his head and pulled the younger out the stall and they left the bathroom. They eat a snack before returning back to work. Donghyuck was working at the cashier while mark was making a coffee when marks senses started going off one quick around the room he didn't see anything out of the regular except a customer with Donghyuck.

"Oh saki?" Donghyuck questioned. "Oh Donghyuck I didn't know you worked here.." the male voiced. Mark listened to the conversion confused on who this man was. "Never seen you here." Donghyuck stated.

Saki had just came here to follow the male he saw in the alley way he didn't know he'd run into this pretty boy again. "Sorry for spilling that drink on you maybe I can treat you to something." Saki spoke. Mark furrowed his eyes brows angry and all of sudden the coffee machine started beep and mark felt a stingy pain. "Hyung! The coffee is overflowing!" Donghyuck yelled catching marks attention as he came and moved mark over.

This allowed both saki and mark to see each other face. Mark gaze cold the saki thought mark knew who he was but seeing he didn't do anything or looked fazed other then the glare told him he didn't know who he was. "Hyung you burned yourself." Donghyuck said with a sigh and got ice to put on marks hand. "Sorry I wasn't paying attention." Mark said. "It's okay..just be careful, you can do cashier." Donghyuck said.

Mark did as told going in front of saki. His senses felt strong for some reason but he couldn't pinpoint what exactly was it. Donghyuck came back over. "That won't be necessary." Donghyuck responded to Sami's question before walking away. Mark held a small smirk. "What can I get you?" Mark asked. "Spider-Man." The male said making make panic and confused. "What?" Mark asked. "The Spider-Man drink?" Saki held a smirk of his own. Mark didn't know why but he hated it. Mark just took the money and told Donghyuck the drink.

When saki got his drink he left laughing. "So his name is Mark."

"You're okay hyung? You've been a little jumpy." Donghyuck asked. They were in Donghyuck's room and Donghyuck had just came back from his shower seeing mark lying in his bed. "Yeah...I'm fine really don't worry." Mark reassured the younger but it didn't make him feel all that better. Donghyuck nodded and
got in bed turning away from mark.

Donghyuck looked at him confused since usually they always cuddled. Mark could see he was clearly upset and mark knew why. He hugged the younger from behind and whispered in ear. "Baby, I promise I'm fine, if anything was wrong I'd tell you."

Donghyuck turned to face mark. Mark traded his fingers on the younger's arms. "I just want you to talk to me." Donghyuck huffed. "I'm talking now...there's nothing wrong today just felt a little off." Mark stated. Donghyuck hummed. Mark left kisses on Donghyuck's neck making him giggle a bit. "How could anything be wrong when I have you next to me." Mark smiled. "That was incredibly cheesy" Donghyuck laughed.

"It's the truth." Mark defended himself. Donghyuck "well I feel the same way." Donghyuck kissed marks nose. They spent the time cuddling until they fell asleep in each others arms as always.

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