Tough choices:11

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It's been 2 week already and the two haven't had time for a date. Mid terms had been kicking the twos ass and having jobs weren't making it better. Donghyuck has been doing study groups between his friend groups mostly the older ones since they took the classes Donghyuck had. Mark however had been study on his own or with Jeno since he always got caught up with his Spider-Man duties.

Donghyuck had been sad as he missed seeing the older but he couldn't dwell on it too much as he kept himself busy but he did wait in anticipation. Mark also was waiting for the date as mid terms week was coming to an end he thought would be better then a date with Donghyuck Friday night. Which would actually be tomorrow.

Donghyuck however still didn't know. "We've barely seen each other.." Donghyuck pouted resting his head on Renjun's lap. "I'm sure he's planning something, him and Jeno been hanging around a lot I bet he's trying to think what y'all should do." Jaemin reasoned. "I don't even care what we do I just want to have a chill time with him." Donghyuck whined and Renjun laughed. "You definitely like him" Renjun shook his head.

"I really do." Donghyuck admitted with a small smile. "We should get going" Jaemin said and Renjun agreed. "Bye guys. Thanks for the study session." Donghyuck said and they said the same before leaving. It was night time and Donghyuck guessed mark was still out. With a sigh he went to take a shower after first grabbing clothes from his room.

Mark however just arrived entering through Donghyuck's window. Seeing as the young was in the shower he took off his Spider-Man mask
As he was hot. He put closed the window before placing the sunflowers he had bought earlier and a card on the bed. Then he returned to his room like nothing and changed out his suit as well as hiding it.

When Donghyuck finished his shower he entered his room while towel drying his wet hair. He gasped seeing the flowers and a cute little card. He threw his towel to the side as he eagerly grabbed the card reading it.

Donghyuck-ah I'm sorry we both got busy, I missed you....let's not worry to much though because as promised I'm taking you out on a date and that date is tomorrow at 7pm I'll pick you up outside of our dorm. Dress however you want you always look the time you're reading this I'm probably in my room, hint hint.

From mark

Donghyuck squeaked as he smelled the flowers. He quickly went out this room. He went to the kitchen and found a vase. He filled it with water and placed the flowers into it and set on the counter. Then he excitedly burst open marks door and saw that the door was empty. He pouted as heard the shower in the bathroom meaning that's where the older was. Donghyuck sat on the bed as he waited.

10 minutes later mark came out the bathroom noticing his room door was open. He smirked as he quietly walked in. He could see the younger was wearing shorts and his shirt rode up a bit as he was laying down and it showed of his stomach. Mark couldn't help but growl at the sight. Donghyuck noticed that and looked at mark surprised.

Quickly a smile took over his expression. He bounced of the bed as he got up and hugged the older. Mark chuckled hugging him back. "Someone's excited..." mark smiled and inhaled the olders scent. "Of course I am! You're taking me on a date! And I missed you.." Donghyuck pouted looking up at mark. Mark put down his stuff on his desk as he gave the younger his undivided attention. "I missed you too." Mark said kissing his forehead.

"Hyung.." Donghyuck frowned as he pointed as his lips. Mark smirked shaking his head. "I don't put out before the first date." Donghyuck looked at him in disbelief. "You just kissed me at the fair! And at the party!" Donghyuck exclaimed. Mark smiled more as he ruffled his hair. "And you'll get no more until after you say yes." Mark shrugged and went to sit on his bed.

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