Best day ever:15

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Mark put his flowers by her picture as she was on the first level, mark smiled seeing her picture. "I'm not gonna cry this time I know you wouldn't want me too...earlier I couldn't help it." Mark said. "I met a boy..he reminds me a lot of you and even dad and minseo agrees. Minseo says that you probably sent him to me.....I thank you if you did he makes me really happy and I hope soon I can ask him to be my boyfriend.."mark could talk all day to his mom but he knew other people were here.

He talked a bit more before bowing his head to his mom. "We'll talk soon..I'll be back for your birthday...I love you" mark got up and blew her a kiss before leaving the room. The four were still outside when he came. "Uh Donghyuck I'll wait with them you take mark to get some food." Jeno suggested and Donghyuck hummed. "Let's go?" Donghyuck said and mark followed to another room that had tables on the floor but he was more surprised to see some of his friends.

Taeyong and Jaehyun hugged mark. "You gotta try this food Donghyuck made!" Jaehyun exclaimed. His friends knew he was okay now and they didn't need to say things like 'sorry for your lost' "sit sir.". Taeyong helped the younger find a seat  and mark could see the many different plates of traditional Korean food. Mark felt his heart swell seeing Jaemin, Renjun, chenle, jisung, Johnny, Taeil Doyoung and just all his close friends here for him it was really nice.

Donghyuck who sat next to mark help put food into his plate giving him a bit of everything. Mark didn't hesitate in digging in as soon as he can since he didn't eat anything earlier. Mark hummed in satisfaction as he ate. When marks sister and dad came Donghyuck was quick to let them sit by mark and feed them. Mark frowned now that the younger wasn't next to him. Mark watched the younger tap Taeyong's shoulder and announce he was going to the bathroom.

Mark didn't think too much of it until a few minutes went by and he began to worry a bit. Mark also announced he was going to the bathroom. On his way there he passed by the room his mom was held in and he heard a familiar voice. Seeing the door was slightly opened he peaked in seeing Donghyuck on his knees.

"So you're Minhyung mom, nice to meet raised your son well he's very kind. I'll do my best to
Take care of him for you because I like him a lot  and  I hope you approve of me. A lot of people consider Spider-Man their hero but for me that's Minhyung and that's thanks to you so pleased rest easy." Donghyuck bowed his head. Mark felt his heart swell and before he can get caught he returned back to his place at the table. Donghyuck came back shortly after giving mark a curt smile as the older looked at him.

Donghyuck sat next to his brother and finally started eating. Slowly everyone dispersed as the get together came to an end. Jeno and Jaemin stuck around and Jaemin helped Donghyuck clean up as they refused to let any of the lees even Jeno do it. When they finished up Jeno said he'd take the lee's home and Donghyuck could take mark. With that being said Donghyuck bowed to the two family. "Thank you Donghyuck you've helped so much" marks dad said. "Your food is amazing!" Minseo smiled.

Mark liked seeing his family interact with the younger. It was endearing. "Thank you im glad you enjoyed it...and honestly it was nothing." Donghyuck dismissed but marks dad shook his head. "It meant a lot to us." Marks dad hugged the younger and Donghyuck was caught by surprised but returned it. As soon as it ended the two lees hugged mark. "Don't give Donghyuck such a hard time." Minseo snickered and mark pushed her away. "We're only a call away." Marks dad said. Mark hummed and watched his family walk out with Jaemin and Jeno.

"We should get going" Donghyuck said and picked up a bag with their used stuff. Mark grabbed his hand making the younger look back at him. "I'll carry this and take this l." Mark slipped the bag out of his hand and slipped his hand into the younger's pocket taking the keys and walked out the funeral home. Donghyuck followed him to the car where mark put the stuff in the car. "If you drive again I might die." Mark chuckled at the younger's pout. "Whatever." He got in the car and mark joined him.

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