A night to remember :5

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"For someone who went to a lot of party's your aim sucks." Mark joked towards Donghyuck. The younger playfully shoved him. "I never said I played this game" Donghyuck chuckled at his own dismay. "Come on you guys are making it too easy!" Jeno bragged since right now he and Jaemin was winning.

"Hey Jeno? shut up." Mark counter backed at Jeno and the latter only rolled his eyes before throwing his ball into a cup. Mark picked up the cup and quickly chugged the drink before throwing the cup on the floor. "Oo marky hyung is definitely getting drunk now." Jaemin teased seeing as mark got more reckless.

Donghyuck too watched mark in fascination seeing how different the older was under the influence.  He realized mark was more touchy drunk. Donghyuck could admit he loved to cling on people when he drinks but mark was different like right now he was throwing a ball with his arm firmly around the younger's waist.

When mark first put it there it caught Donghyuck by surprised, he was a blushing mess and everyone caught it but they didn't tease him. Donghyuck didn't stop him since the action gave him a butterfly feeling and he wouldn't admit it to anyone but like how Mark's arm made him feel safe.

In the end they still loss and Mark had insisted on drink more of the drinks, so he was way far from reality. Donghyuck took it upon himself to start sobering up so he started drinking lots of water and after doing so he sat on the couch with mark.
"Stop drinking water.. you should drink what I'm having." Mark suggested and pushed his cup in Donghyuck's face.

"Thanks but someone has to drive us home you know." Donghyuck let out a giggle when mark nuzzled his face into the younger's neck. "Come on hyung stop playing with me it tickles"  Donghyuck whined feeling the air from Mark's breathing tickling him. For a moment he just let mark lean into his touch. He settled comfortably on the couch with mark in his arm and played with marks hair as everyone partied around them

"Hey hyung you want to go home?" Donghyuck asked noticing how marks breathing pattern became consistent. Once he didn't receive an answer he knew the older was asleep. Donghyuck slowly pushed Mark off him and got up. "Looks like the alcohol caught up to him" Taeyong said walking next to Donghyuck and slightly scaring him.

"Yea.. he was just laying on me and then he just fell asleep." Donghyuck explained. "Let's get him
in the car." Taeyong said and helped the younger pull him off which caused a sleepy mark to wake up.

"We're going home mark okay so just help us you" Donghyuck said as he supported half of marks weight on him and Taeyong supported the other half. As they walked out of the house and to the car Donghyuck got the keys from Marks pocket and then he unlocked the car and they both help mark get into the passenger's seat where mark went back to sleep quickly.

"Thanks hyung." Donghyuck said with a sigh. "It's all good just get home safely." Taeyong said and gave him
A hug  before leaving and Donghyuck got into the car. Donghyuck drove the whole way in silence because he was scared of waking up the older. Once Donghyuck made it to their dorm garage Donghyuck got out the car and went to marks side and open the door.

Donghyuck shook mark so he could be at least a little bit aware. Donghyuck helped mark out the car and leaned mark on him as he locked the car. Donghyuck helped mark walked to the elevator and took it to the 5th floor before getting to their dorm. He unlocked the door and went inside with the semiconscious mark.

He locked the door before walking towards the older's room. "I have a secret to tell you..." mark suddenly voiced but it was evident he was a drunk as he slurred On his words. Donghyuck hummed in response as he entered marks room. "Im Spider-Man." Mark said as Donghyuck helped him get on the bed and bent down and took of his shoes for him.

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