Starting New :3

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Donghyuck woke up in a familiar room. He soon realized it was Mark's room and hopped out of bed. Lucky for him he didn't see mark in the room. He left the room and went to his own where he found the older sleeping on the air mattress. He also saw other stuff built like his drawers and his desk.

Donghyuck felt his heart swell from the kind jester. He decided it to make the older breakfast as a thank you. He left to the kitchen and notice like barely anything to make. There was eggs so that's what he had to settle for until they go shopping.

He made different versions since he didn't know what mark liked. Scrambled, sunny, boiled and poached. He placed the egg on ramen that he had also made. After finishing he grabbed two cups and poured orange juice. Mark came out the room a little after Donghyuck finished. "What's all this?" Mark questioned as he looked at the food.

"This is my thank you to you for putting up with me yesterday and building my stuff...I promise that I'm not always like that." Donghyuck said shyly. "I know and I get it, I went through a break up not too long ago. Maybe it's time we both start over." Mark said with a smile.

Donghyuck smiled too. "I'd like that actually" Donghyuck said as he handed a bowl to Mark and they both sat on the couch enjoying the silence. Donghyuck could get use to living with mark.

It's been month since Donghyuck moved in with mark and they were getting close. Mark helped Donghyuck avoid Sungchan and Shotaro. Mark obviously was still friends with his ex. Though Donghyuck wondered why mark was always taking naps or being out late but they weren't that close to be asking such personal things.

Donghyuck felt closer to the friends he had around his age but still hung with the older hyungs every so often. He tried to avoid being with Taeyong and Jaehyun sometimes because they ate with his brother Sungchan a lot. Some times Donghyuck and mark wondered if they knew if they completely broke up and if he was To point out the obvious realistically you don't see them around a lot together.

The only reason Jeno and his friends knew was because they saw them locking lips before in a empty classroom. Now as mark grew closer with the younger he learned things like he was pretty affectionate sometimes he'd hug mark or cling to his arm. Mark would be lying if he said that he wasn't affected by it.
But Donghyuck did that with everyone and he knew he and Jaemin would be close because they both gave affection and they like teasing people.

Mark now sat with the Lee brothers as Donghyuck invited mark to come eat with him and his brother. "You settled in here just's your core classes?" Taeyong asked as he ran his fingers through his younger brothers hair. "Doing pretty well, mark hyung helps a lot too" Donghyuck beamed.

"I see you hang more with Mark then your own boyfriend." Taeyong joked. "Hyung me and Sung-" Donghyuck was cut off by new voices. "I knew We'd find you here." They hear Jaehyun's voice. They look over at him and see he's not alone. Sungchan's tall self standing right next to him.

Mark almost immediately turn to Donghyuck and saw how the younger froze. "What a coincidence we were just talking about Sungchan." Taeyong greeted the two with a smile. The two sat down and Donghyuck had glare that he looks could kill sungchan would be dead.

"Hyung, how've you been.?" Sungchan's asked directed to the tanned male. Donghyuck narrowed his eyes, the whole table could feel the tension that left the two oldest confused. "Don't call me that." Donghyuck deadpanned. "Did you two have a fight?" Taeyong asked. "Oh we did more than fighting, we broke up." Donghyuck said with a straight face shocking the two oldest.

"What are you talking about..?" Jaehyun asked. "Oh don't play I don't believe that Sungchan can sneak a whole man in your house and you not know this.!" Donghyuck yelled loud enough for only the table to hear. Jaehyun fell silent and Taeyong glared at Jaehyun. "I can't believe you let me move here for someone I loved that didn't love me back." Donghyuck growled and stood up.

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