Gentlemen :7

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The next morning Donghyuck could hear banging and it scared him awake which caused mark also to wake up. "Hey hey it's okay I'm sure it's nothing." Mark said as he helped the younger sit up and held his hands. "W-What if the robber guy is back?" Donghyuck asked with glassy eyes. "Don't worry I had beat him up- I mean Spider-Man I'm sure beat him up pretty well." Mark said a bit awkwardly but Donghyuck decided to trust mark but he flinched when the loud bang sounded again.

Mark got up and put on a shirt. Donghyuck quickly tailed behind. "Just stay behind me.." mark said and Donghyuck had no problem with that. Donghyuck held on the back of marks shirt as they kept walking closer to the door. Once they made it there mark looked through the peephole and let out a sigh when he saw Taeyong and Jaehyun.

Mark opened the door. "Where is-" Taeyong stopped when mark moved out the way to show his younger brother who still was shaken. Taeyong hugged him and it broke his heart to fill his brother shake as he started crying. Mark let In Jaehyun and helped him put the food that he was carrying down while the two brothers had their moment.

When the two brothers calm down they let go of the hug. "I bet you were so scared...I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you." Taeyong said. "H-Hyung it isn't your fault...I was just lucky for Spider-Man to help me in time." Donghyuck truly felt thankful for the man and hoped to able to thank him one day.

"You must be hungry let's get some food in you." Taeyong smiled and Donghyuck mouth could water at the sight of all the foods in front of him. Mark gave him A plate. "How you feeling Hyuck?" Jaehyun asked as he ruffled the younger's hair.

"Better...hyung helped me alot through last night. I won't lie I'm still shaken up but I want to move past this as soon as possible." Donghyuck said with a small smile before eating. "We'll Mrs.suh feels terrible that this happened at the store and invited us over for food..and also our parents will be there. They heard what happened and caught the first flight to Seoul." Taeyong informed.

"Gosh she shouldn't feel bad it's no one's fault...I can't mom and dad is wasting money to come here..." Donghyuck said. "Donghyuck you could've got seriously hurt and yes it's wasn't mrs.suh fault but you shouldn't have been closing by yourself and mom and dad were really worried about you."Taeyong scolded his brother.

"I wasn't closing by myself, Doyoung hyung was....Doyoung must feel even worse I hope he doesn't think it's his fault I have to call him later." Donghyuck said. "I need to change.." Donghyuck announced shyly. "Jaehyun can go with you while me and mark clean up" taeyoung said and they agreed before leaving.

"Tell me everything that the cop or whatever said" Taeyong said looking straight at mark and so mark told him every detail even things the cop hadn't seen like when robber grabbed Donghyuck's face. By the time mark finished Taeyong was in tears. "Seriously mark thank you for being there for him.. I don't know what he'd do without you."Taeyong thanked mark.

"Of course hyung, I'll always be here for Hyuck." Mark smiled. Jaehyun and Donghyuck came back out with Donghyuck changed. "We have to go pick up mom and dad and then we have class so we'll see you later." Taeyong said to Donghyuck.Donghyuck nodded and hugged Taeyong before letting him and Jaehyun leave.

Suddenly Donghyuck's phone started ringing. "Oh it's the school...I should take this." Donghyuck said and mark made sure to be quiet. When the call finished Donghyuck put his phone away. "They heard what happened so they're giving me the rest of the week off."  Donghyuck informed mark.

"Hey at least you get the rest of the week to rest." Mark reassured Donghyuck and put a hand on his shoulder. "You already missed your classes today and you can't miss more days but what will I do without you?" Donghyuck asked. "We'll...your parents are down here and between all our friends we could keep you company between classes."mark said. Sing only nodded.

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