My Hero :6

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It was still lunch time so mark didn't mind letting Donghyuck cry on him but he didn't want Donghyuck to get embarrassed he brought him into the nearest bathroom and made sure the bathroom was empty before giving his full attention to the younger male.

Donghyuck let out a few sniffles as he finally got the courage to look at mark. "What happened?"mark asked as he let his hands wipe the younger's tears. "S-Sungchan I-is making our b-break up seem like it's m-my fault. B-But that was h-his right?" Donghyuck stuttered as it was hard to control his sobs. Mark just hugged him tightly. "Of course it's his fault and he was stupid not to wait for an absolute angel like you." Mark reassured Donghyuck.

Donghyuck fel his heart swell as heard all the compassion mark had while talking. Donghyuck took a deep breath and took in marks scent which slowly helped him calm down.  When his sniffles died down mark lifted his head to check on him. "Feel better?" Mark asked with a slight smiled and Donghyuck did the same and said. "Yes thank you." Mark just shrugged and soon the bell rung. "We should get to class.... Want me to walk you?" Mark asked.

"It's okay I need to clean myself up." Donghyuck declined the olders offer. "I'll wait then." Mark said being a bit persistent. Donghyuck felt thankful for mark but the older was making him shy with the way he'd watch him while fixing himself.

Mark didn't even realize he was staring until he noticed Donghyuck in front of him. "If you take a picture it will last longer." Donghyuck teased. A small smile made its way on marks face as he pulled out his phone and took a picture of Donghyuck. "Yah you weren't supposed to do it for real, let me see it I don't know if I look good.!" Donghyuck yelled trying to grab the phone but mark just moved it out of his reach.

Donghyuck got closer to mark took get the phone but mark moved it behind his back and that's when Donghyuck and mark realized how close they were to each other. Donghyuck had both of his hands on Mark's shoulder and their faces were just a few inches apart. "You always look good." Mark whispered.

They both felt the tension as they looked into each other's eyes, but before they could do anything the bathroom door opened and they quickly moved away from each other. "Oh hey guys" Johnny said after seeing the younger two. "Oh hey hyung..we need to get to class...bye!" Donghyuck said first before leaving the bathroom.

Mark just gave Johnny a small smile and left to catch up with Donghyuck. When Donghyuck noticed his presence he couldn't help but blush. "Y-You know you don't have to walk me..." Donghyuck said. "Yeah but I want to." Mark reassured and itwhen he dropped Donghyuck off to his class mark quickly ran to his own.

Mark was in his Spider-Man suit and just swinging around in the city. It was night time now but Donghyuck had let him know that he was closing the shop tonight, which would be soon.

Donghyuck was with one of his co workers and for the most part they were few customers throughout the day and right now there were two students who seemed to be studying for a little over an hour but were getting ready to pack up. "Yo Donghyuck, you think you can finish the last 30 minutes by yourself? My parents need to watch my little sister."Doyoung said in a pleading tone.

"Of course hyung go ahead. I doubt anyone else is coming we're about to close." Donghyuck reassured the older and Doyoung thanked the younger and promised he'd pay him back. Doyoung gathered his stuff before leaving. Donghyuck just cleaned as he waited for the two students to leave and soon enough they did.

Donghyuck sung along to the music that played through out the cafe as he cleaned the counters and was getting ready to lock up. Suddenly a bell rung which meant someone had entered the cafe. "Hey we're about to close soon can you come back tomorrow..?" Donghyuck asked with a smile and looking up at the male in front of him. The male had a mask on but it was pretty common in korea so Donghyuck didn't say anything.

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