Chapter 31: WRESTLEMANIA Pt. 1 Undertaker V Sting

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The crowd's roars filled the arena. Even backstage, they sounded like cannons to Rollins. He could only imagine how much those cannons would explode for him once he defeated CM Punk.

Seth turned the corner, punching an imaginary version of Punk. He almost punched Paige, startling her, making her spill some coffee on the floor.

Paige's eyes were wide, as she had almost been punched by a former Mr. Money in The Bank.

"Sorry about that", Seth chuckled.

"It's fine. Coffee isn't all that great anyway. Was just looking for you. Have a mo'?"

"If by 'mo' you mean 'can I talk to you?', fine. What's up?"

"Just remember to kick CM Punk's behind a little harder for me, all right?"

"And what would the Anti-Diva have against CM Punk?"

"He said something... Rude, to me. I don't wanna tell his wife, cause the Queen knows nobody got time for that, and I don't want to start a drama. So just, hit him a little extra with that ladder, okay?"

Seth couldn't help but snicker. He was being asked to hurt CM Punk 'a little extra' by the best friend of his wife.
"Will do, Paige."

The Queen of Ravens smiled almost wickedly. "Great mate. Good luck."

Paige walked off.

Seth almost walked forward and slipped on the spilled coffee watching her go by, but a hand grasped his shoulder from behind.

Seth turned, interrupted in his thoughts, to see Roman Reigns.

"Sting wants to run through tonight", he told Seth. "C'mon."

The two walked through a door to the pipeline.


Undertaker chewed his Snickers bar slowly, savoring in every drop.

Sting swung his bat at his side.

Roman and Seth walked into the small clearing.

"Good", Sting muttered. "Everyone remember their jobs?"

"Sting", Seth began. "I think we all - "

"In case they don't, we'll run through it again. Seth, take your briefcase any means necessary. And be ready to cash in tonight. I feel there's gonna be no better opportunity to Cash In than tonight. Roman, make sure you incapacitate Dean enough so he won't interfere in Undertaker's match. We can't take any chances."

"I'll be fine", Undertaker put in.

Sting glared at the Deadman. "We can't take any chances", he repeated.

Undertaker finished his Snickers bar and licked his fingers. "You don't need to take care of me. I've had my fair share of interferences. I'll handle myself."

Sting chuckled. "What did you say?"

Seth thought he saw flames behind the Undertaker's pitch black shades.

"I said", Undertaker continued. "Don't baby me. I'll be fine."

"This is Dean's spirit we're talking about. I won't take any chances with that."

"If you don't think I can get the job done, you shouldn't have hired me."

"If you had done your job at Elimination Chamber, you wouldn't even be here for the 23rd time. You were brought in to save Ambrose, not to get another Mania victory. I run this operation, not you."

Undertaker chuckled. "Fine. Then by all means, continue this.. Sting Operation."

"You and your attitude are gonna get - "

"Hey!", Seth interrupted. "Let's not do this. Not tonight. We need to be on the same page."

Sting gritted his teeth. He checked a watch on his wrist which was clearly not there a minute ago. "My match is in 3."

Sting walked off into the shadows.

"His arrogance", Undertaker began. "Is why he would never survive in this company. He always wanted to be the top dog without earning it. I wasn't handed 21 and 1. I earned it. I will beat Bray Wyatt - and free Dean Ambrose."

Undertaker walked into the darkness.

"We can't have this happening", Roman spoke. "Not tonight."

"Well", Seth pitched in. "People have wanted Taker VS Stung for years, so they might finally get it."

"I hope it's not tonight."

"Me neither Roman. Me neither."

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