Chapter 20: Abduction-Part3

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Roman walked down through the crowd. 'The Truth Reigns' played incredibly loud in the arena.

He stood ready in the arena. The titantron switched from Roman's entrance video, to the footage from last week.

The week where Rollins was captured. He was missing for a week.

The footage showed from a distance the explosion of the trailer, and Rollins being dragged into the shadows. Roman heard nothing from him since.

The Big Show's music played. He walked out with a smile on his face.

As soon as Big Show stepped onto the apron, Roman hit him spread in the jaw with a Superman Punch. Big Show fell off.

Roman's fury was unlike anyone in the WWE. He picked up a microphone.

"CM Punk!!", he shouted. "Bray, Dean. Get your behinds out here, right, now!!"

There was no time wasted. Bray Wyatt's vignette played as the arena went dark.

The lights returned, with Bray and Dean sitting on chairs of their own at the top of the stage. Seth was laying on the floor beneath them.

CM Punk's music blared.

Bray sat Seth up by grabbing his hair. Seth's clothes were still torn, and a week old.

"Get your hands off him", Roman commanded. "Get your hands off him, or I'm gonna speed up what I came out here to do and march up there and kick all three of your rears."

Big Show stood angry. He got inside the ring and attempted a clothesline. Roman ducked under, ran, and connected with a spear. The World's Largest Athlete was down. Roman's back was turned.

Punk ran down the ramp and met Reigns in the ring for what Michael Cole calls a 'slugfest'.

Roman clipped Punk hard in the face. Punk stumbled into the corner. Roman ran towards him. Punk booted him in the face.

Punk leaped to the top turnbuckle. He jumped, and Roman hit him in the face. Punk rolled between the two bottom ropes.

Roman slid to the outside, leapt up and hit Punk's face with a flying dropkick. Roman roared.

He faced Bray and Dean at the bottom of the ramp. Dean's arms were hooked under Seth's. Roman threatened Dean not to do it.

Dean's head nodded faster and faster. Bray laughed.

(Play music)

The arena went dark. Bray stopped laughing. Roman was stunned, and thankful for the help.

Dean dropped Seth.

People in brown, silk robes holding torches in their hands walked out from the crowd.

The Phenom walked through the curtains. He wore a spiked, black leather cloak with a hood.

(Stop music or wait a little if you want)

Bray and Undertaker stared at each other. Roman was ready for anything.

CM Punk hit Roman in the back of the head with his MITB briefcase. The lights went back to normal. Dean attacked Undertaker, only to be grabbed by the throat and chokeslammed.

Bray tried to attack Taker, only to be jumped and ambushed by the Undertaker's disciples.

Punk watched in awe. He couldn't believe he was back after losing the Streak.
Punk attacked nonetheless.

He rained down fists to the Undertaker. Taker retaliated with a few hits of his own. Punk turned around to get a solid Spear in the ribs.

The hooded disciples lifted Bray to his feet. For the first time ever, the Eater of Worlds may have been scared.

Undertaker grabbed Bray's throat. Roman threw Punk off the stage.

Undertaker chokeslammed Bray - right through his chair.

Seth stumbled to his feet. Roman helped him up.
Bray was on his knees after a while. Seth ran and delivered a dizzy Curb Stomp.

A disciple passed Undertaker a microphone from his cloak.

"Roman and Seth's partner in the Elimination Chamber", spoke the Deadman. "Is ME!!"

The crowd roared in boos and cheers.

Punk was shocked.

(Continue playing music)

Roman helped Seth stay on his feet.

Dean rolled of the stage with Bray.

Roman, Seth and the Undertaker and his disciples walked backstage.

Seth Rollins: Forged in FireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz