Chapter 19: Abduction-Part 2

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Seth woke up sweaty. His surroundings smelled like carcasses, rotten meat, and poop.

Opening his eyes was a struggle. Someone grabbed his jaw and squeezed it.

"Wake up, two-toned sunshine", said the familiar voice of Dean Ambrose. Seth finally got a glimpse of where he was.

He was in a wooden barn. It was dark, only being lit by four, dim lamps that glowed a greenish orange and smelled of spoiled and moldy bread.

Bray Wyatt rocked back and forth on his chair. It squeaked with age.

Seth's shirt was torn and hanging in shreds on him. He was tied with steel chains to a pole. The bruises on his ribs and chest began to spark with pain. His shoes were gone.

Bray stood from his chair.

He picked up his lamp from the dirt. Rollins thought he saw the chair keep rocking, as if someone was still sitting there...

Bray lit the lamp. It smelled of burnt charcoal and rotten meat.

"Ambrose, listen to me", Seth huffed. "Snap out of it. If there's one thing you hate, it's control. And Bray Wyatt is controlling you!!"

"That's where your wrong, sunshine!!", Dean shouted back. "At first, I hated him. But when he brought me to this very room, I saw the light!! The true, light, Seth. And that's what Bary and I wanna show you."

Seth:"He brainwashed you!! He's manipulating you!! Get your head straight!!"

"My head, is already straight", Dean replied. He picked up a lead pipe from the dirt that seemed almost to grow out of the ground. "I just wanna straighten yours."

Bray stood closer to Seth's face. "Oh, no, Dean", Bray spoke. "I can't change him like I changed you. After all, we have a match at the Elimination Chamber. We just wanna give you...a sneak peak, of the pain you're going to feel within a few weeks."

Ambrose whacked the lead pipe into Seth's chest. Seth lost his breath. He huffed and puffed to get it back.

Ambrose hit him again. And again, and again, and again....

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