Chapter 14: And then there were 2...

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It was Monday afternoon.
Rollins all night slept in brewing anger. Dean went missing after attacking him at the Rumble.
Sting wasn't responding at all.
And of course he was still angry at the fact that he lost his contract.
He wasn't just angry at Punk. He was angry at himself for letting Dean get taken away.

At the hospital on the night of TLC, he tried to run out. Literally. The cops held him back, ignoring his screams of trying to explain his friend was being kidnapped.

Seth was at the gym releasing his anger on a punching bag.

Seth punched hard at a lot of things. He punched at Vince McMahon.
He punched at Bray Wyatt.
He punched at CM Punk.
He punched himself.

Cesaro walked by him toward a weight lifting station.

"Oh, look", he said. "Mr. Former Money In The Bank."

Seth ignored. Or at least he tried.

"Heard what happened to your friend", he continued. "Running loose, could strike at any moment. Isn't that what he did to you?"

Seth couldn't hold it back any longer. "Should learn to shut your mouth Cesaro", Rollins muttered.

Cesaro:"Excuse me?" Cesaro put down his towel. "What did you just say to me?"

Seth ignored and punched the bag harder.

Cesaro stopped the bag from moving. "What did you say, Seth?"

Seth took off his boxing gloves. "I said, you should learn to shut your mouth."

Cesaro:"You wanna speak like that to me?"

Seth:"I will speak to you like that, because I am not in the mood, and you right now are doing something as stupid as poking an angry lion with a needle."

Cesaro chuckled. "I don't care about your mood, or what you're going through." Cesaro lowered his tone. "People who speak like that to me, tend to end up in the hospital. So, to make sure nothing..unpleasant, happens right now, you're going to say something good about me."

Rollins looked down.


Seth looked up with a smirk. "You're full of ****, Cesaro."

Cesaro chuckled. "What?"

Seth:"I said you're full of ****."

Cesaro chuckled, then gave a rough push to Seth.

Others noticed and paused in their activities slowly.

Cesaro's face roughened. "You shouldn't say thing like that to me."
Cesaro grabbed Seth's shirt collar.

The other superstars moved forward.

Seth moved Cesaro's hands slapped him in the face.

"C'mon guys save it for tonight", John Cena loudly told them.

Cesaro grabbed Seth by his hair and hit him with a European uppercut. Seth heard a ringing sound as he held his bleeding nose.

Dolph Ziggler, John Cena and Roman Reigns walked over shouting at Cesaro.

Cesaro:"Hey, he asked for it."

Roman Reigns walked in front of Cesaro. Cesaro stared him down.

Roman:"If I were you I'd find somewhere else to sit."

Cesaro put his hands up in surrender. He picked up his towel and bag and walked.

Seth clotheslined Cesaro with full force.

The ringing in his head didn't allow him to hear what the other Superstars were saying. Roman grabbed Seth's arm. Cesaro stood angry. Roman walked Seth out.

"Seth!!", the King of Swing challenged. "You, and me, tonight!!"

Seth was clear enough to hear. "You're on!!", he responded.

Reigns and Seth walked out.

They walked out to a hallway.

"If you're gonna scold me Roman, I'm not in the mood for it", Seth blurted out.

"Not going to scold you, we just need to talk", Roman responded.

Seth huffed.

Roman:"I know you're angry about multiple things, probably most mad at yourself, but right now you need get to through it."

Seth:"Dean's missing Roman. It was acceptable when we were pretending for the Authority, but now it's for real, and he's probably smoking weed with Bray Wyatt. I just lost my MITB Contract. And yes, I want to publicly curse out Vince McMahon."

Roman:"Look, right now, it's just the two of us. Sting isn't contacting us, so we're on our own. We were the S.H.I.E.L.D. without Sting. He may have formed us, but we did everything else ourselves. We can get Dean Ambrose back, and your contract. I'll handle Ambrose, you get your contract back at Elimination Chamber."

Seth:"Fine. Let me get my stuff, and let's get out of here."

Seth Rollins: Forged in FireWhere stories live. Discover now