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Reigns huffed for breath.

Ambrose tried to shake away the stingy my feeling in his head from Reigns's desperate clothesline.

The official got to the count of 6.

Ambrose got to his feet first, as Reigns was on one knee.
He jabbed Reigns in his ribs. Then to the side of his neck.

Reigns shoved Ambrose into the corner, trying to get some space to recover.

Ambrose kicked Roman's face so hard he sat up and almost fell back.

Ambrose pushed Reigns onto the ropes and delivered knee after knee into his gut. He pulled his head and collided it with his own.

Ambrose ran to the opposite ropes and rebounded for a dropkick.

Reigns moved and let Ambrose fall.

He exploded with a brick-hard clothesline to his former best friend.

Ambrose sprang back to his feet only to get another leaping clothesline.

Ambrose got back up. Roman booted him in the face.

Ambrose stumbled back between the ropes and caught himself. He came back out with a clothesline.

Reigns threw Dean over and behind him. Dean wailed in pain.

Reigns picked up Dean and Irish-Whipped him across the ring. When Dean came back bouncing off the ropes, Roman moved around him, and picked him up onto his shoulders and smashing back down with a Samoan Drop.

Reigns huffed and gained his breath. He fed off the energy of the WWE Universe.

He stepped towards the corner and slammed his fist down to the mat, signaling what was to come.

Dean shakily rose to his feet.

Reigns leapt for his signature Superman Punch. Dean ducked under.

Reigns turned around to get a kick to the gut, and to be planted by a DDT.

Dean covered.



Reigns kicked out. Dean smiled. After all, he had more time to punish Roman.

Dean rose to his feet, yelling at Roman with a smile on his face.

He wrapped Roman's arms into the ropes and began stomping on his chest.

Dean ran to the ropes and rebounded into a dropkick into Roman's chest.

Roman felt like his chest was collapsed in. He puffed for breath.

Dean pulled Roman's head up. He stared into his eyes, wondering what else he could possibly do.

Dean ran back to the other ropes. Roman tossed him over when he came back.

Dean rolled into the announce table.

Reigns slid out the ring and jumped onto Dean, sending them both over the table.

Roman slowly got to his feet.

Dean was back up first, sending punch after punch into Roman's side, flaring by it with pain.

Roman hit Dean with the hardest right hand he'd ever felt in his life.

He punched his way from behind the table.

Dean threw a headbutt into Reigns's jaw. Reigns ignored the pain, wrapped his arms around Dean, and threw onto the announce table with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex.

The official was at the count of 6.

Roman slid into the ring, then back out, breaking the count and forcing the official to restart the count.

Roman picked Dean in a headlock. The Lunatic drove Roman into the steel steps.

The two men were down again.

Dean shakily rose first. Roman was up almost as quickly as he was.

Dean kneed Roman in his stomach, bending him over.

He threw Roman into the ring, and followed himself.

Roman had already gotten up, and hit Dean with a hard left fist to his jaw.

Dean stumbled, clearly rattled. Nonetheless, he jabbed Reigns's forehead.

Roman leaned back and almost fell off his feet. He pushed forward and hit Dean in his gut. Then a headbutt and kick to his abdomen.

Roman tried to throw Ambrose across the ring, but Ambrose reversed it and threw Roman across instead.

Roman ducked under Dean's incoming clothesline and headed to the ropes.

Dean ran to the opposite.

The two of them collided in a double-clothesline impact.

Once more, both men were down.

Roman had slid out the ring, in need of more breath.

Dean followed slowly, his own weariness holding him back.

Dean tried to get the Powerhouse to his feet.

Roman threw him headfirst into the steel post. It was dented by Dean's head.

Roman threw Dean into the ring, blood pouring out his forehead.

Roman slid in and saw his opportunity.

He leapt at a weak Dean and connected with a fierce Superman Punch to his jaw.

Dean stumbled back, blood flying through the air.

Roman connected with another Superman Punch.

Dean stumbled to the right.

Roman connected with a third one.

Dean continued stumbling. Roman set up.

He leapt for it again, but this time, Dean dodged him and Reigns flew into the corner.

Dean kicked Roman to been over, hooked his arms under Roman's, and planted him with Dirty Deeds, and proceeded to pin.




Dean Ambrose was victorious.

He rose to his feet, his hand raised and name being declared.

The audience was mixed - some wanted the Hound of Justice to put down the loose dog, and others wanted pure Lunacy to reign supreme.

Nonetheless, Dean stood on the turnbuckle, boasting his victory as his music played.

As soon as Dean stepped down and turned around - he was Speared.

Roman clutched his head, still hurting from Dean's Dirty Deeds.

Ambrose clutched his ribs and gut, as if they had collapsed in on his organs.

Reigns didn't feel good about what he was doing, but he knew it had to be.

Reigns waited in the corner for Ambrose toe get back on his feet, and Speared him again.

Roman gritted his teeth, wishing Ambrose would snap out of the control right now.

Roman moved back. He waited 3 minutes for Ambrose to get back up.

He Speared him again. By this time, Roman thought he killed his best friend.

Dean was unconscious. Roman put his arm on his shoulder and helped him out the ring.

A stretcher was rolled down the ramp.

Roman helped strap him in, and wheel his injured, Lunatic friend backstage for medical assistance.

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