Chapter 21: Elimination

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The time was here. After weeks of preparation and rehabilitation, the Elimination Chamber had finally arrived for Seth Rollins. Not only to straighten Dean's head, but payback against CM Punk. Later the WWE World Heavyweight Championship was on the line with John Cena defending his title against the returning and challenging Randy Orton. But now, was Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and the Undertaker against Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose, and CM Punk.

The match had already started. Except, not the favor of Seth's team. Seth was in the ring by himself against Dean, Punk and Bray. Seth assumed Bray had something supernatural to do with his team being chosen first.

Punk had Seth in a tight headlock. Bray and Dean were watching with pleasure. Every time Seth would try to gain momentum, those two were there to stop it.

Fortunately for Seth, the timer was ticking down to decide which of his teammates would come out to help.






The buzzer sounded. The light shone above the cage of the Undertaker. Undertaker met Dean Ambrose outside.

Bray chimed in to help. Undertaker was pushed down to the floor.

"Get him up!!", Bray commanded. Dean grabbed Undertaker by his head. Bray yelled at Taker.

Taker elbowed Dean in his side. He headbutted him. Bray threw a fist, but it was blocked by Undertaker. The Deadman threw Bray into the cage wall, and began sending hammers into his ribs. Dean hit Taker in his hip. Taker punched him in the gut. A punch to the face.

He Irish-whipped Dean into the empty pod that CM Punk entered out of.

Seth had got to his feet.

Bray ran for a clothesline. Taker moved out of the way, causing Bray to hit Ambrose. Undertaker scooped up Bray, and slammed him down with a body slam.

Seth hit a few elbows into Punk's gut. He threw CM Punk across the ring. Punk sprang from the ropes. Seth ducked Punk's clothesline. He leaped over Punk the next time he came.

When Punk reached him, Seth twirled around him and planted him in the ground with a Corkscrew Neckbreaker.

Seth stood to his feet, his heart furious.

Undertaker threw Bray into the chains again, this time face first. He rubbed Bray's face on the chains.

Dean hit Taker in the back of the head with a deadly elbow. He released a barrage of fists into the Phenom's guy and chest. Seth stepped through the ropes. He hit Dean in the back of the neck multiple times.

He slammed his face into the empty pod. Seth stepped back in the ring. Punk was in the corner making sure his neck was still in one piece.

Seth ran and leapt up with a flyer by elbow. Punk moved out of the way, leaving Seth's face to collide with the turnbuckle.

Bray landed solid fists on the Undertaker's back. He smashed his face onto the cage chains.

Punk lifted up Seth. Seth rammed his elbows into the side of Punk's head. He fell down. He ran and sprung from the ropes. Dean leapt into the ring with a harsh clothesline that almost took of Rollins's head. Almost.

Undertaker kicked Bray in his gut. He twisted Bray's arm, and rammed his shoulder into it. He rammed into it again.

5 Punk and Ambrose drove fists and kicks into Seth.

4 They put Seth into the corner.

3 Dean ran at Seth. Seth leaped over the ropes and landed.
2 Seth kicked Dean in the head with an enziguiri.

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