Chapter 7: Consequences-Part 4

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The match had begun with Rollins being backed into the corner. A harsh headache hit Rollins due to his injuries, and gave Punk the upper hand.
Rollins was just demolished. Kicks and punches focused on his head and on his ribs.


The match was in Punk's hand for the 12 minutes.

The commentators were speculating on how Rollins why Rollins had the bandage on his left side.

Punk was holding Rollins in a simple rear-naked choke. He was smiling at Rollins discomfort.

The crowd clapped rhythmically for Seth. Seth struggled to stand. He was on his feet.

Michael called it 'channeling the energy of the WWE Universe'. It was sort of like that.

Rollins delivered an elbow into Punk's chest. Another one. A third one. Rollins moved Punk's hands from his head. Rollins grabbed Punk's hair and delivered solid punch of desperation. He gave another one. Seth ran to spring off the ropes.
Punk gave a spinning back kick to Seth's injured ribs. Rollins bent over.

Punk hooked Rollins arms and grabbed his tights. Punk tried to nail a snap-suplex, but Rollins held his leg down. Rollins reversed it into a suplex.

Punk crawled over the corner. He stood and leaned on the ropes. Rollins sprang off the ropes and clotheslined Punk to the outside. When Punk stood, Seth flew over the ropes and collided with Punk onto the barricades.

Rollins threw Punk back into the ring. He climbed to the top rope. When Punk was on his feet, Seth flew for a flying knee. Punk rolled out the way. Rollins rolled safely.
Bothe men stood. Punk ran for a clothesline. Rollins ducked and ran from the ropes. He hit a clothesline. Punk got up and was hit by another clothesline. Rollins ran from the ropes. He ducked under Punk's clothesline. He sprung from the other set of ropes, and continued running under Punk's coming attacks. Rollins finally leapt up for a corkscrew neckbreaker. Punk was down.

Rollins went for the cover.

The ref counted, 1! 2! Punk reached his shoulder off the mat.

Rollins was annoyed. He picked up Punk and put him between his legs for a powerbomb. He hoisted up the Straight-Edge Superstar. Punk caught Rollins between his own legs and sent Seth into the corner with a hurricanrana. Punk caught his breath in the corner.
Seth stood.

He ran to Punk for a flying elbow. Punk moved. As a result, Seth's ribs collided with the turnbuckle. Seth stumbled backward, with pain flowing through his body. Punk grabbed Seth's MITB briefcase, and smashed it upon the back of Seth's head.

The ref ordered the bell to be sounded. Punk stood over Seth.

Dean Ambrose ran down the entrance ramp and into the ring.
Punk dodged Ambrose's clothesline and slid out the ring.

Punk grinned while Dean yelled at him to fight like a man.
Dean turned around to check on Rollins.

A hand sprouted out through the ring. A man crawled out. It was Bray Wyatt. He turned around Dean and quickly gave him Sister Abigail.

Punk slid back into the ring. He picked up Seth onto his shoulders, and the delivered the Go To Sleep.

Medical Assistance came into the ring. The official was scolding Punk. Punk ignored. Punk and Wyatt left the ring.

"These are the consequences Rollins!! These are the consequences!!", screamed Cm Punk.

"These are the consequences!!"

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