Chapter 1 - Sold

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Here's an alternate ending story to one episode I like from Goliath Chronicles that will be a Journey Home story too. Enjoy!

How could I have been so stupid to run away? Brooklyn thought to himself as he was darted by Radar's thugs. He grimaced in pain when falling down, the thugs taking his arms. The leader snickered.

"Sleepy time for one high-priced bundle..." he crooned. Brooklyn struggled to clear his head and fight the drug that made his senses go silly, spinning. He groaned while Bobbi cried for him in hiding.

"S-stand still so I can... fight you..." Brook slurred, his muscles becoming tingly with exhaustion, slumping in the guard's hold on him. The thug leader held up the unconscious creature's head. "Enjoy your nap, for this shall be the last time you will see your city home. Like you belonged here anyway," he spat heartlessly. Brooklyn hardly heard since he was barely awake, now completely out. Dave and Bobbi ran for it, the leader ordering two of his cronies to follow them since he brought more men with him.

Brooklyn felt his senses turning off but remembered those two nice kids. Dave... Bobbi... he thought sleepily before eventually, he surrendered to the drugs.

"So great of you, our buyer, to be able to come. I shall let you in once our precious prize is ready. He seems to be coming out now."

Brooklyn gave a weak groan, eyes slowly opening up, finding himself in a strange building full of large crates, and chains on his hands while being held tight. He at first wondered what had happened, but then it hit him; he had run away and got darted for it.

The red one lowered his head, an unhappy sigh following. If he had only kept his guard up, then Goliath needn't have shouted and made him run away. He guessed this was what he deserved. Then his chains were tugged, making him wince, a mean thug sneering at him.

"Come, you animal. Radar is waiting..." Brooklyn shook his head in defiance, not wishing to be used in this way. But his defiance got quenched from a gun under his chin, pressing into his neck.

"I'm sure ya don't want this to create a hole in yer pretty neck?" The thug questioned. Brook swallowed fear in his throat from not wishing to be shot. He shook his head, not having felt this scared since Brooklyn saw his leader be hurt.

Reluctantly, he walked along with the guards, head lowered in shallow sadness, hoping for any second to hear the door break down and his leader's awesome roar while being brought before his seller, Radar. Radar looked like an old mid-60s man, an evil grin on his face when seeing them bring a gargoyle for his buyer at last.

"So, boys, it seems you have finally brought my gargoyle? Excellent." he sneered. Brooklyn just growled with anger.

"Blow it out your butt, Radar. You didn't deserve to use those nice kids in your evil schemes. Just let me go!" He spat, tugging but someone kicked his back, sending him onto his knees and hands. Brook trembled slightly, looking up. Radar was pretty mad, shaking his head.

"A feisty gargoyle, too. But soon, you shall be submissive and obedient to your buyer, who I've heard has special plans for you," he threatened. Brooklyn felt his panic begin to come, wondering where his family could be. Radar saw him looking and laughed.

"No chance of your fellow family coming since I sent reinforcements to keep them away from here. You're mine until my buyer is here." Kenny suddenly showed, much to Brooklyn's shock and anger, hating that Kenny sold him out.

"Good work, Kid. Ah, he's arrived. Prepare to greet yer new owner, Prize." Radar said. Brooklyn heard the door open, his nerves making his heart skip really fast at who it could be.

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