Chapter 10

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Later that afternoon, Brooklyn, or now Diablo, was now getting a tour of his new home. Shadow Man mostly showed him the basic areas of his ranch and where he would be working. Diablo himself was a bit nervous about pleasing his new friend with his new job and hoped he wouldn't mess up.

With the animals Shadow Man owned, it was mostly sheep and cattle.

After a time near evening, Shadow Man ended the tour, catching Diablo's stench on him, too.

"It is time for you to receive your own room, Diablo, for since you've been a good boy in obeying me, this is one reward for it. And plus, you need to wash up." Shadow Man stated. Diablo hadn't really noticed his stench but when his master mentioned it, his ears fell. "I don't mean to be so dirty," he pleaded in sorrow. Shadow Man put a hand on his shoulder, chuckling to himself at how much Diablo behaved like a child with amnesia.

"Don't beat yourself up about it. A good wash and night's rest will help you be ready to receive flying lessons in the morning," he said in a honey-coated tone. Diablo smiled shyly, nodding, but still felt scared about flying while Shadow Man took him to his room, which wasn't far from his own master bedroom. Diablo's eyes widened, smiling at seeing his own bed waiting for him, happy to have his own room.

"The bathroom is next door to you, Diablo. Get yourself freshened up, and meet us for dinner," he said. Diablo nodded, eager to please his 'rescuer,' as Shadow Man left him be. Diablo studied his new room first. A simple guest room with a nice bed, a window, and such. He then proceeded to the restroom and got the shower turned on after looking at himself in the mirror.

His eyes rounded a little at his looks, seeing a beaked mouth, white hair, and dinosaur-like wings. Whoa, I really look like a monster or a devil... Diablo thought fearfully to himself, taking note to mention it to his... was he a Master now... later after getting his loincloth taken off and stepped in. Diablo gave a soft sigh of relief as the shower water relaxed his itchy and dirty skin. It felt good on his wings, too, sending a wave of pleasure through the young gargoyle, who felt like he could stay in the shower forever.

Diablo managed to use the shampoo and conditioner on his hair, hoping that his helper would like it, washing his skin with a soap bar as well. He cleaned himself the best as he could until done, despite his branding mark stinging but Diablo ignored it.

Stepping out, Diablo dried his hair until it looked really frizzy, making him chuckle before finding a brush nearby. He brushed his hair carefully, which was a pain due to it having a lot of tangles in it. But he got it straightened out. He put his loincloth back on after that, thinking he was cleaned enough then stepping back outside, heading over to the dining area again where the table had food set up, mostly meat but some vegetables and bread, too. Diablo's stomach growled.

Shadow Man smiled at his gargoyle pet upon greeting. "Good evening to you, Diablo. Thank you for joining us. You look much better, too." Diablo bowed his head shyly. "Thanks... feel better," he said, his skin tingly from feeling shy.

Diablo sat down, watching Shadow Man whilst still feeling nervous. "Uh, what do I call you... sir?" He asked. "Since you saved me?" Shadow Man simply kept on his smile.

"Well, my little gargoyle, you can keep calling me sir, or unless it can be a little more formal. Like Master?" Diablo's skin tingled at that word. It just felt right to call this human Master now since he owed him his life. He nodded eagerly. "I-I'd like to call you Master," he said softly, eyes still looking shy. Shadow Man chuckled again, shaking his head. "No need to feel so shy."

Diablo swallowed, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry, can't help it," he said. "Then perhaps some food would lighten the mood for you. Certainly you're hungry again, hmm?" The red gargoyle nodded instantly, he was still hungry after his shower and the tour. His Master allowed Diablo to serve himself and received a glass of milk, too. Shadow Man knew the beast needed to strengthen himself up for doing his bidding.

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