Chapter 38 - Enemy Returns

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It had now been a week since the Bronx incident and Brooklyn's health had been improving greatly, much to the clan's happiness. He began moving around the castle more and staying outside with the clan turning to stone. Brook was grateful to have it back again, even if it wouldn't erase his scars.

Eventually though, Brooklyn asked Hudson if he could learn go out to glide again. Hudson wasn't so sure. "Are ye sure, lad? Just don't want ye to get lost or taken again."

Brooklyn gave him pleading eyes. "Please, Hudson. I just really need to exercise my wings again after being cooped up after my long journey. It'll get me started on going on patrols once more, though I still don't feel ready to do them." He said.

Goliath came up then. "I suppose some light training wouldn't be any harm, Hudson. We can at least give him this chance at living like a normal gargoyle again. But take someone with you, Brooklyn, to be safe."

Brook's eyes brightened, smiling a bit at Goliath. Hudson then nodded in approval though he wanted to keep waiting. Lex showed up then. "Hey Lex, do you want to help me practice gliding again?" He called.

The smaller gargoyle seemed surprised but grinned, happy that Brooklyn seemed ready to go into the world again. "Sure," he said. Goliath then wished Brooklyn luck with his gliding as the two brothers ventured onto the parapets.

Just seeing the outside again when going to glide made Brooklyn pale a bit, swallowing. His wings felt a twinge from his nonstop gliding before, backing up now. Lex noticed, looking at him.

"It's alright, bro. Just take it slow, ok?" said the smaller gargoyle with an encouraging smile. Swallowing, Brooklyn nodded, spreading his wings, somewhat stumbling but managed to get a good jump, catching the wind.

He yelped slightly from not having been doing this since his travels, wings flapping to gain balance. Lex joined his red brother and steadied him from underneath. Brooklyn panted, struggling to steady himself but could now feel his wings getting used to gliding again. The beaked gargoyle was just thankful he didn't need to travel anymore and could just do a simple gliding outing with his bro.

The two glided around Manhattan near the castle, Brooklyn slowly feeling his nerves settling and happy he could get fresh air. He began to have a bit of fun in the air, eventually leading into him and Lex playing tag like they did as hatchlings.

They chased each other through the streets but made sure to keep to the shadows until eventually, Brooklyn felt tired. Lex saw this and pointed to a familiar building with a large sign they often used as a lookout and hideout. Nodding, Brook followed his brother and they managed to land, both panting.

"Didn't... think... I could have fun like this again," Brook mumbled, wiping his brow, and sitting down, unaware of a certain dark gargoyle watching with his binoculars from above on another building.

Lex smiled. "I'm glad that human who took you isn't anywhere nearby," he stated. Brook sat down to just admire the view, Lex joining him, holding his hand.

Thailog was in his hiding spot, smirking at the sight of his red prey, waiting for the right moment.

Lex was curious about what technology was in this building and he wanted to check it out some more on the inside. "Hey, Brook, you want to go inside and check out some cool stuff?" Lex asked him.

"That's your department, Lex. I just want to stay out here and enjoy the fresh air after being in the castle for so long." Brooklyn said.

"Alright, but you're missing out." Lex smirked playfully.

"I'll wait on ya." The red male stated. He would also look around for signs of trouble.

From his hiding spot, Thailog saw the little green male head to the stairway on the roof to go downstairs. It was closed right now but Lexington was making his way down to go see the technology. Thailog saw this as a good chance to separate the brothers. He had to take care of Lexington before getting Brooklyn in his grasp. He left his spot and went to get Lex out of the way.

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