Chapter 35 - Merry Christmas

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Christmas chapter on Halloween, pretty certain that probably happened before. But hope you enjoy!


Ever since Brooklyn had been able to apologize to his family, his physical health had approved greatly, though his mentality was still questionable. On the day before Christmas, Sato decreed Brooklyn well enough to return to his room.

It was starting to snow harshly again, signaling a possible white Christmas for the clan. Brooklyn, on his way back to his room felt nervous about it, hating the cold for giving him that pneumonia on his journey home. He flinched from hearing a howling wind outside while walking slowly, Hudson trying to comfort him.

"You're safe in the castle, Lad. The storm won't come in," Hudson said gently, while Brooklyn wrapped his wings around himself to keep his body warm even though it was already warm inside. He just nodded absentmindedly as they reached his room.

Hudson opened the door, and Brooklyn gave a happy sigh at the sight of his bed. Even though he was still trying to heal before they could restore his stone sleep, he was more than happy to stay in his room for a good while.

Brooklyn made his way to his bed, Hudson helping him into it. His eyes felt so tired but he still trembled from the wind howling outside his window, noticing Hudson went to close it.

"I'll come back with some tea for ye. Just try and rest," Hudson said, a gentle rub of his hand. Brook nodded, not speaking again. Ever since he got home and though he apologized to Goliath, his voice felt muted and it was hard for him to feel happy after everything Anthony had done to him. He hoped that whenever his stone sleep came back, it would remove those scars of the past on his skin.

After he was alone, Brooklyn just lay down on his bed, looking again at his scar at where the brand used to be. His eyes shut when recalling the painful hot brander that touched him, shaking silently, wanting this feeling to go away.


Meanwhile, Hudson had been able to have Broadway make his tea before they turned to stone for the day. Hudson returned with it, opening the door to see Brooklyn laying there trembling, gripping the arm where that evil human had branded him. Hudson shook his head, wondering why such terrible people lived out there just to cause harm to them.

Moving closer, he sat on the bed, gently tapping Brooklyn's shoulder. Brook opened his eyes but then closed them again, whimpering.

"I have tea for ya, before the rest of us turn soon. And you should sleep too before Christmas Eve tomorrow," he murmured. Brooklyn reluctantly sat up on his pillow, taking the mug of tea from Hudson and taking a drink. Hudson said that Angela would bring him his dinner. Brooklyn smiled just a little, very happy to be getting comfort from a family instead of abuse and slavery.

"I don't want to leave home ever again..." Brook whimpered quietly, curling up. Hudson just stroked his cheek to dry his tears as Angela showed then with his dinner.

"It's nearly time, Hudson. We should let Brooklyn sleep before the big night," she informed. Nodding, Hudson hugged Brooklyn one more time. "Good day, lad. You'll see us tomorrow," he murmured. The two then let go and Angela gave him his food before they left.

Brooklyn couldn't help but open the window shutters when not hearing the wind anymore, wanting to see the sun come up one more time. For tomorrow he would turn to stone again. He ate silently while the dawn began to grow, knowing soon his whole clan would be stone soon.

Maybe... it couldn't hurt to see my entire clan as statues... just for a quick look. Don't want to be out in the cold too long, Brooklyn then thought in curiosity, now seeing the bright sun showing though the window. He smiled a little at the sight of the sunrise he soon would never see again. Even though it was given by a bad human, he would enjoy this for a time.

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