Chapter 23 - Travels Begin

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Through the rest of the night, by 1:00 am, Brooklyn kept up his gliding as much as possible to make up for the loss of time to make it home. He still smiled when remembering how Mark had healed his gunshot wound but felt worried that Anthony would eventually track him down.

I have to get far away, into the next state as fast as possible, then maybe Anthony will give up looking for me. Can't go into many towns if I want him to easily trace me in them.

He held up his travel bag that Mark gave him, which had non refrigerated foods and bottles of water, hoping that they would last him the entire way. But knew that if it came to it, he would have to either hunt for his food or get it from a store.

The red male soared over the grassy desert fields in Butte. Mark had told him where he was in Montana during his stay there. Brooklyn then decided that he needed to sleep during the day from this point if he had to, to keep his sleeping pattern balanced and healthy on his travels.

I'm on my way, guys. I will come home, I will, he thought, frowning as Brooklyn hoped his clan hadn't stopped or forgot to look for him, upset that he made them worried for him.

The moonlight here in the desert fields was surprisingly bright, lighting up Brooklyn's vision which made him grateful for it and appreciated seeing the pretty stars up there again, making him smile just a bit.

After a time, his belly began to feel sore, and his wing muscles cramped since he hadn't done proper gliding in so long. Using his sharp eyesight, Brooklyn spotted a cave near one of the close rock towers. He made his way to it, already exhausted and ready to fuel himself and sleep, now 5:30 in the morning.

Brook landed near the rock tower, his eyes drooped in tiredness, yawning, but first made sure there were no animals inside before going in.

He settled in against the sides of the cave, rubbing his belly to soothe the cramping of the tissues. "I hope you won't keep me grounded too long. You gotta heal faster," Brook muttered to his belly, resting his head back, pulling out a sandwich to eat and getting a drink before going to sleep. The red gargoyle had only just begun his travels and already was exhausted, and some PTSD from memories of Anthony began to eat at him.

Brooklyn felt shaky, hugging his arms after finishing his dinner, tears falling, wondering if he still really had it in him to make it all the way. He had never made a really big journey like this since his clan never traveled far outside the city, not counting Goliath's magic tour since magic was involved. He wished he had company, already feeling lonely after leaving Mark and Nora behind.

He pulled the photo of them out, tears making his heart ache, smiling tearfully at the kids in it.

"Thank you again," Brooklyn sniffled, tracing his hand along the photograph, putting it away again, then gazing at his brand. Brooklyn didn't want his clan to see this, wondering if there would be a way to fix it. But that would mean getting another human's help, and he didn't want too many human interactions.

A wolf howl sounded, making him jumpy, hairs on his neck standing up, hoping wolves wouldn't discover him here if this was a wolf den. But there weren't any signs at all that showed it in here. Eventually, sleep began to win him over, covering his body with his wings, curling on the ground, beginning to slowly fall asleep, wishing for the comfort of his clan around him.


Back in New York, the clan was already stone for the day.

Elisa and Matt were in her car, looking around the city for signs of the lost Brooklyn, but it had been like this for weeks. There was still no sign of him. Whoever had him sure was hiding him good.

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