Chapter 15

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The rest of the day dragged slowly. Diablo remained locked in his room for the punishment, imagining the men eating lunch. By now he was hungry again, rubbing his stomach.

When is my water coming? Did Master forget? Diablo thought in fear, gazing at the door in desperation, coughing sometimes from thirst. His head fell on the pillow. Diablo wanted to be let out so badly, but he figured his master was still angry and wouldn't let him out anytime soon.

But then the door rattled around lunch, opening right there and revealing Shadow Man with water. Diablo gave a smile but it was small and scared, glad for his water but afraid of what his master was going to say now.

Shadow Man nodded at Diablo to come forward, which he did. Diablo went to take the glass but he held it out of reach.

"So, Diablo, have you been thinking over your cheating?" Shadow Man asked sternly. The red one swallowed, nodding.

"Y-yes. I won't cheat again, Master. But please, may I have food? I'm hungry," he pleaded, stomach growling again. Shadow Man shook his head. "No, Diablo. Your punishment isn't over until breakfast tomorrow. But here, take your water. This is all you're getting."

Diablo lowered his head and nodded, taking the glass. "Thank you," he said. Shadow Man nodded, closing, and locking the door again.

After that, Diablo went over to the window to look outside, taking a drink of his water which felt better, gazing out at the ranch fields, wings ruffling from wanting to glide out there.

It got rather boring during the remainder of the day. Diablo trying to save his water as much as he could, stomach feeling empty and pangs eating at it too. He sniffled again from his punishment, but somewhat glad his master didn't flog him, curling there near the window, taking another drink. He didn't dare sneak out in case he got punished further.

He smelt dinner coming through the door at 6:00, going to it, trying to open the doorknob, but it remained shut. Diablo hated missing out on dinner but it was to be expected. A voice suddenly spoke to him.

"Loser freak! That's what you get for cheating!" mocked a man's voice. It made tears come to his eyes, shrinking back from the door, going to hide under his covers after putting his glass on the nightstand, remaining there for the rest of the night.

I wish I had a true friend here. Nobody seems to like me... Diablo thought out of loneliness. His master seemed to respect him and give him praise, but it didn't feel as genuine as having a true friend. It was 9:30 by the time he fell asleep, still hungry, hoping his master would let him out tomorrow.


His eyes opened the next morning from hearing his belly growl, the sun shining through the window. Diablo yawned, sitting up, wearily gazing longingly at the door, praying he will soon be free.

But then Diablo's ears perked at hearing his door knob rattle; was his punishment over?

It opened. Shadow Man looked in; his face gentler than yesterday. Diablo pressed timidly into his bed, waiting fearfully of his outcome. But Shadow Man smiled under his hood.

"You can come out now, Diablo. Your punishment is over. Breakfast is waiting." Diablo's spirits lifted, happy tears coming down, getting off the bed.

He hugged his master unexpectedly. "Thank you, I'm so sorry! I won't upset you again, Master!" Diablo wept. Shadow Man cleared his throat, pushing Diablo away gently.

"Ok. But lay off the hugging," Shadow Man muttered, straightening his shirt and adjusting his mask. Diablo flushed but followed Shadow Man like a puppy in his wake to the dining room, stomach whining even more for food.

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