Chapter 34

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Brooklyn slept through most of the day while Hudson was stone again. David had gone back up to Xanadu at that time to retrieve Brook's bag.

He opened the door to the house when arriving and looked around, until he spotted the bag on the table where he left it. David took the bag and left again, knowing the red gargoyle would appreciate getting his bag back.

Back in the medic room, Brooklyn struggled with sleeping, ears flattened from hearing Anthony mocking him again. He grunted and tossed, trying to ignore it but it was hopeless.



His voice said cruelly. Brooklyn shook his head. He wasn't a pet!

"I will find you, Diablo..." the voice mocked. Brook whined, covering his ears. He wasn't Diablo!

But then he felt someone shake his arm. The red male's eyes shot open.

"Who... d-don't hurt me!" he pleaded, seeing a face. But it was only David, holding something. The sun still shone through the window.

"Easy, Brooklyn. It's only me. I brought you something I think is yours," he said, showing it to him. Brooklyn blinked; it was his bag! He gasped softly, reaching out to take it. David had already emptied the trash out of the bag but left certain things in it like his photo and first aid kit.

Brooklyn sniffled when holding his bag that had been his only companion when no one was there to travel with him. "T-thank you," he said timidly, ears flat.

David smiled. "Don't mention it," he stated. Brooklyn reached weakly into his bag and pulled out the photo. It was a bit worn but the images were still there. Tears fell down his eyes when seeing Mark and Nora.

David saw. "Those were your first friends when escaping?" he questioned.

Brooklyn stiffened but he nodded. "M-Mark pulled out a bullet out of me when I was shot during my escape. He and his sister nursed me back to health and helped me be happy again," he replied, wiping his eyes, then setting the photo on the nightstand. He handed David the first aid kit, too.

"I'll let you rest, but we'll need you to talk to Elisa and Hudson this evening," he stated. Brooklyn frowned but nodded. He hugged his pack when falling asleep again, David shaking his head before closing the door shut.


Brooklyn was woken that night from hearing stone crackling. He jerked a little in fear and saw Hudson's eyes glow, the stone breaking apart and Hudson yawn/roaring. The red gargoyle gripped his bag tight in fear but in awe, it was amazing seeing it.

Hudson cracked his stiff muscles before seeing Brooklyn awake. He held something in his arms, ears still on his head and eyes bright with fear and sadness. Hudson sighed a little, smiling softly and holding out his hand.

"Hello, lad. I see yeh awake. And ye got yer bag too as well, hm?" he asked. Brooklyn nodded, timidly taking Hudson's hand. Hudson stroked his hair.

"I understand you don't want to face Goliath still, lad. But he does miss you. And he feels guilty about that night."

Brooklyn swallowed, tears welling. "I-I don't want him to-to lecture me about running away, like how he lectured me before..." he stated quietly. Hudson gave him a hug. "Ye have to be brave, lad. I know your courage is still in ye. I'll be there when you can talk to Goliath." Brooklyn smiled sadly at him, trembling.

"O...kay..." he replied just as the door knocked. Elisa arrived, Brooklyn still clinging to Hudson as she brought a tray of food in. She smiled at him cheerfully.

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