Chapter 32 - the Homecoming

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Meanwhile, back at the Eyrie building, the clan did their best to carry on normally with their lives like Goliath and Elisa said but it was hard. Thankfully though, Broadway played his part in making sure the clan got their weight back to normal.

Lex had a hard time wanting to eat anything and stop looking for his brother. He was in his room, memories making him feel terrible. The clan had gotten a Christmas tree lately, Elisa and their other human allies helping set it up. Goliath then too asked Elisa to get a present for Brooklyn he had in mind even though it was doubtful of Brooklyn coming back.

Goliath finished wrapping the present, sighing softly when tracing his hand over it, wishing to see Brooklyn's reaction in opening his new rock cd. He then placed his present under the tree. Brooklyn had more presents than anybody else in honor of him, everybody present staring down at the pile that wouldn't be opened.

Elisa noticed her friend being sad and understood. She gave him a hug. "I understand this is hard for everyone, Big Guy. I miss Brooklyn too." She comforted, the two continuing to hug each other. Hudson gazed out the window. It was the 19th of December, and he couldn't shake the feeling that Brooklyn was still out there, struggling his way home again.


Brooklyn's eyes fluttered open in his sleeping place on the church, seeing a bit of sunshine coming in. He knew this would be the day he came home!

I can't stop this time around. New York isn't far from here, gotta get moving, Brooklyn thought, yawning, and stretching, bones cracking from how stiff and cold they were, longing again for soup to heat them up like Thalia's soup.

After shaking himself up and eating some more of his food that was almost gone again, Brooklyn climbed to a jumping point on the church, setting his eyes on what he thought was east, so desperate he still hadn't pulled out his map. He decided since he was almost there, there was no need for it anymore.

Raising his wings, Brooklyn took off into the frigid December air, grateful that the storm had died down, hoping it would last the whole night.

He soared across the waters past Staten Island, keeping his gaze across the water, eyes narrowed in determination and desperation. Brook was so desperate to see his family again, his heart kept hurting his chest and giving him a headache, staring at the lights of what he thought was New York City. Please let it be the right city... please... he prayed, struggling to pull his emotions together and be strong about his situation.

Eventually, Brook landed on the other side. By the time he saw his surroundings, he didn't recognize where he was. Where am I? He thought to himself. My own directions couldn't have been this bad.

The ache in his head and the frigid temperature was getting to him even more that he shivered and wrapped his wings around himself. He let himself warm up a bit more and he had to get back to the air to determine his position. He eventually did.

Brooklyn crossed his arms over his chest to try to help keep warmer in the air as the frigid air was freezing him out here. Why did it have to be so cold tonight? It was almost the Solstice of winter. It would be after midnight.


Much later, Brooklyn soon recognized or thought he recognized some sights. It was the middle of nowhere, but he saw the sign of Xanadu. This was Xanatos' retreat. Finally, something familiar since leaving the city!

Brooklyn quickly sought out the haven known as Xanatos' place. He quickly came in for a landing and he was so glad to be back on the ground again. It was warmer down here than in the air.

"I must have really taken a wrong turn." Brook shivered. He saw the house and went up to it. The lights were off and everything, but the gargoyle knew he needed to get in out of the cold.

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