Chapter 33

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After their quiet time rebonding, Brooklyn heard others coming and jerked softly at the sight of the clan coming into the room: Angela, Broadway, Lex, and Bronx. Bronx woofed happily, but it scared Brooklyn, digging into his sheets. Hudson gave his hand a gentle squeeze, murmuring soothing words to coax him out.

He peeked at his clan in fear, but thankfully Goliath wasn't around yet. Elisa had told him that he shouldn't see Brooklyn until Brooklyn rebonded with the rest of his family first.

Lex smiled; happy his red brother was home. "Hey, bro. W-welcome back," he said carefully, since his brother had traces of fear etched onto his features. But Brooklyn couldn't believe he was really back, wincing from feeling that breather in his nose still.

He looked at each of them in turn. "A-are you really here?" He asked shyly and raspily, body still shaky. Brook hoped that his journey wasn't all in vain.

Broadway nodded. "Yeah, it's us little bro," he confirmed, wings around his shoulders. Brook took the time to allow his brother's words to wash over him. He hadn't heard their voices in forever. But now he knew they felt real. Tears came down his face again but another question came along.

"H-how d-did I get here? T-thought I was l-lost..." Brooklyn questioned, looking at Hudson, who smiled at him. "Xanatos found ye at his retreat on his couch and brought you home in his chopper," he said as detailed as he could.

Brooklyn then felt a memory rise, of him finding Xanadu and then drifting into nothingness afterward, a weak hand on his head, groaning. Angela tried looking cheerful. "You're home on time for Christmas, Brooklyn. We're happy you came back on time," she said cheerfully.

But the red male then had another thought hit his painful head. "A-did he... choose you to replace me...?" Brooklyn asked in a despondent voice, ears flattened, heart feeling tight. Angela saw his sad look but shook her head. "No, Goliath hasn't made any decisions yet. He was going to if the alternative came after Christmas but now that you're home..." she halted a bit. "Maybe you can talk to him."

That made the sick gargoyle whimper, still hearing Goliath's mad voice and stern glare from their last moment in him. "What were you doing when I called?! We had them!"

"Stop treating me like a hatchling!"

"I will, when you stop acting like one..." That hardened tone made him breathe quickly, eyes dilated sharply, gripping the sheets, and shaking his head no. Angela felt worried for Brooklyn reacting like that. She heard what happened and hoped the two would be able to make amends.

Hudson held Brooklyn gently in his arms again, stroking his back soothingly while that horrible flashback kept repeating its mantra in Brooklyn's brain. He hiccupped hard, feeling Hudson's arms around him protectively. The elder knew that the lad needed food before talking to any of them.

"Broadway, can ye get him something to eat? I think it will help his panic attack," he said. Broadway nodded, instantly going out make something to eat when Dr. Sato had come back. He smiled too at Brooklyn, but when Brooklyn saw the doctor he cried out; remembering that terrible doctor of Anthony.

"No! Don't let him near me!" wailed Brook, squirming.

Sato reached out with his hand. "Easy, Brooklyn. I'm only here to check on you and make sure you will be able to eat. You know I'd never hurt you gargoyles." He said, but Brooklyn felt all of his brain had lost its sense of trust from his illness, though he had befriended those other people before. Then memories of Mark and Nora came by, and Barry and Thalia. From that, it caused him to eventually settle, but not letting go of Hudson as he allowed the doctor to examine him.

Sato listened to Brooklyn's lungs and heart again, which seemed better than before. "I'm glad you were able to pull through your pneumonia, Brooklyn. You'll be able to enjoy Christmas with your clan."

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