Chapter 16 - Memories Return

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Diablo's regular schedule returned the next day, which made the red gargoyle feel better than he did last night, especially after nearly getting taken away.

He was sitting at the breakfast table, eating the pancakes when Anthony spoke. "Should we ever do another test like we did that time ago, you wouldn't cheat again, right? You keep your promise?"

Diablo swallowed, nodding shyly. "Yes, Master. I understand," he said. "I keep my promise."

Anthony smiled. "Very good, Diablo. And be sure you do."

Arthur had kept glaring at Diablo, who was eating as quickly as he could to get back outside, wanting to get away from his look. He downed his juice. "Done, Master. May I go now? Please?"

Anthony nodded. "Very well. But keep watching at how fast you eat."

Diablo smiled, getting up to head outside. Once out of earshot, Arthur and Edward turned to Anthony. They at first got used to the idea of this pest being under their control but wanted to hurt him again like before.

"Boss, how long are you going to treat our gargoyle like this? He's bound to remember his real self sooner or lat—." His air was cut off when Anthony grasped his neck.

"I will go to great lengths to ensure his memory never returns, Moron. That one is mine, and he will remain a blank slate under my power for good!" He hissed in a deadly, threatening voice.

Arthur was scared of the demonic look on his boss's covered face but nodded. "S-sure... whatever pleases you..." he croaked before being released. Anthony looked out the window to see his pet doing his work like he should.

A little smirk came along. Yes, blank little devil. You're mine and mine alone.

But then a man came in, his face worried. Anthony narrowed his eyes. "What?" He demanded roughly.

"Sir, the scheduled storm is coming in faster than we expected. Should Diablo come back inside? He could get hurt."

Anthony considered but shook his head. "No. I wish to witness him in action during a storm like this. Another test to see how strong these gargoyles can be." The man furrowed his brow but didn't argue. "As you wish," he said.


Diablo glided around the farm, not seeing any signs of danger. He had to chase away a raccoon digging into the trash but that was it. He had been out here for mostly the whole day, even forgetting about lunch. He was just happy to be in the fresh air again.

But suddenly, rumbles came from the distance, startling the red gargoyle, who saw the sky getting dark. It was only 3:30 but these clouds looked dangerous. His ears fell.

"Perfect, just what I need," he grumbled while the wind began to pick up, pushing hard against his wings. Diablo yelped and struggled to keep balance. He was out near one of the barns far past the main house, hoping his master would call him indoors soon. He didn't want to be struck by lightning.

Diablo flinched when a huge boom echoed now across the sky, clouds covering further and rain fell. Have to get out of the rain... Diablo thought in fear but there wasn't much cover. He had to get into the house. Diablo saw a tree and landed there when the wind and rain began to pick up. He held on tight, hair waving in the wind and shutting his eyes.

Master, help! Diablo cried softly, still trying to find him, shivering from the rain on his skin. He had to reach the house somehow, or risk being blown away. Gulping, Diablo raised his wings, taking off.

The gliding was intense; the wind jerking him around, and nearly getting hit by lightning twice. Diablo wiped his face off to dry his vision. Rain clouded it. He gave desperate cries until a harder wind blast hit him in the face. Diablo was flung through the air, unable to stop his body. He couldn't see where he would land, just a big shadowy something.

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