Chapter 22

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The next couple days went by with Brooklyn continuing to heal and forming a close friendship with Mark and Nora.

His stomach was slowly beginning to feel better though the scar remained. Brooklyn wished that stone sleep could heal it. But at least this ranch was better than the one he left.

Thankfully for Brooklyn, Nora kept her promise and didn't tell their parents about the gargoyle hiding in their treehouse. She now liked Brooklyn as a friend and didn't want him to leave either.

One activity he and Nora also did was to play House. She had brought her doll with her. Mark was busy with his own chores and allowed Nora to keep Brooklyn company.

Brooklyn had finished his lunch from Mark earlier when Nora showed up in the treehouse with a smile on her face. He smiled back, though his heart still felt heavy from Anthony's abusing before, looking at his brand again and cringing silently from it. Nora noticed.

"Are you feeling alright?" she asked tentatively.

Brooklyn took a pillow and held it; ears flattened. "It- I'll never forget what that human did to me, Nora, when he abused me. He treated me like I was a dumb animal to be used and controlled. He kept calling me a terrible name; Diablo. I never want to belong to him and to have him find me while I travel home." He said shakily.

Nora felt concerned and sorry for him, pulling out her doll. Brooklyn raised his brow. "To me I prefer Brooklyn over that name the meanie gave you," she said. "And I think I would like to cheer you up. Perhaps we can play a game I like called House."

Brooklyn was unsure. "I don't know. I never learned how to play that," he said softly. Nora was startled at that but eventually began to instruct him in the basic rules of the game.

Nora had him be the husband and she played being the wife, having the doll as their child. Brooklyn felt somewhat awkward when starting but after a time got the hang of it. They pretended to be a mother and father, which Brooklyn began to like doing, imagining really being one to his own hatchling.

They played House for quite a while until eventually Mark finished with his chores, coming up to see what activity his sister was doing with his gargoyle friend. From what he saw; was Nora playing House of all things with this strong night warrior creature?

He folded his arms. "Seriously, Nora? You're playing House with Brooklyn? A gargoyle warrior?" Brooklyn looked up from this, his face turning red slightly but glad it didn't show up on his red skin.

Nora pouted. "He needed it after that meanie, Anthony hurt him. It seems to be helping him," she protested.

But Mark wanted to do something cool with Brooklyn. "Well, I'm sure you had fun, but it is my turn to hang with him," he said, gesturing to Brooklyn to come out now that it was close to late evening. Thankfully, their parents were busy with making dinner right now.

Nora hated it when her big brother got his way what seemed like nearly all the time just because he was older. "Don't worry, we can maybe resume this later." Brooklyn put a hand on her shoulder as he got up to go out of the treehouse.

After spending all day in here, sleeping, eating, and playing games, he was more than ready to get out of here and have some more action. His stomach was a lot better, so he didn't have to rest quite so much, but there was still a small ache in his belly.

Nora was glad that her friend was willing to perhaps play again tomorrow. She went back to the house with her doll in tow so she could get ready for dinner and then bed.

Mark took Brooklyn to the barn. The horses in there weren't so crazy for the gargoyle's scent or look. They snorted nervously, feeling like he could just about attack them if he wanted to. But Brook had no such intentions.

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