Chapter 6

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That evening, Brooklyn ensured he kept his guard up and alert. Now that he had his arm cut, any predatory creature could come. And worse, bugs could eat at the fresh blood. The blood still dripped down his arm. Brook jumped at the animal sounds that kept on coming.

He wondered what those men would do to him once his time locked outside was up tomorrow, making him swallow at the thought of them giving him more torture until he was too weak to escape.

Once again, Brooklyn tried his luck with the cuffs on his wrists, but they still held firm, as another stomach rumble attacked him again. He winced, that one hurt.

"Ugh, shut up. I understand you need food, but nobody seems to be generous to us up here to even hand over an apple," Brook grumbled to himself in his head. Suddenly, a low wolf howl sounded, making him look around in fear for any coyotes or wolves to come for him, panting heavily. He never knew how many wild animals lived in plains like this, and sometimes got afraid that a snake could also creep up on him, too.

The growling and snarling suddenly got closer and closer. Brooklyn was trembling, eyes glowing, when seeing pairs of eyes staring at him; a pack of wolves. They had scented Brooklyn's blood, breaking into the property since Shadow Man didn't bother to put a protective fence around his pet. Brooklyn's eyes rounded in fear, seeing four wolves there, all bloodthirsty and ready to rip him to pieces.

He hissed back at them but they kept circling, waiting for the best striking option. Brook pressed against the tree as one wolf howled, charging. Brooklyn kicked with his foot, knocking the brute away, but gasped when claws got his right shoulder. Then one wolf pinned him to the dirt, growling madly. Brook struggled, wanting anyone to save him!

The wolf's breath stank when it moved in for the kill, until a gunshot rang through the air, knocking the wolf off Brooklyn. Brooklyn trembled when looking at who saved him; his 'Master,' who held a shotgun, a maddened look in his eyes. He then shot the rest of them, too.

"Keep away from my prize, you filthy mutts!" howled Shadow Man, his voice sounding a bit slurred from drinking earlier, which sent fear further into Brooklyn for facing his 'Master' from being drunk. The wolves nearly killed him, sure, but Brooklyn didn't like how Shadow Man brutally killed the one on him and just murdered the rest too. For he heard stories about how wolves had gotten killed out here in the west.

Shadow Man gazed at Diablo, who was looking petrified at nearly being eaten and from his gun killing the wolves, shaking. He knelt down; the gun pointed at him.

"Yeah, that must've scared ya into not wanting to escape. This is a much different neighborhood from what you're used to. Now, you gonna be a good pet and stay put? I may even give you a little something on your final day tomorrow." Shadow Man said with a smile that looked evil to Brooklyn, who pressed back into his tree, nodding, still shaking. Shadow Man petted his hair again before leaving, Brooklyn cringing from the move, hoping Shadow Man would keep his word and give him food.


The final day came, and Brooklyn was still hungry, though he continued his best to remain strong, watching for his 'master's' return, stomach feeling weak and loudly growling. He was also feeling dizzy from lack of water.

His hair became messy and sometimes falling into his face, arms stiff from being kept behind his back for so long too and wheezing softly from lack of air by the cuff on Brooklyn's neck and muzzle. Brooklyn by now was willing to eat grass, having earned a couple sun burns too from the Montana sun.

I miss my stone sleep... Brook thought in exhaustion, bags under his eyes when suddenly, Shadow Man came back with his satisfied grin at the sight of Diablo still shackled and looking worn down. The fear of wild animals getting to him had kept the young gargoyle unable to have a good sleep. Bugs also kept him miserable by attacking his wounds for most of the midday, hence the muggy weather. Horseflies were the worst, whenever they landed on him it hurt him terribly. He would try to jerk his arms but it only did so much to ward them off.

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