the eleventh text

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11:23 am

good morning, sunshine! (coughs multiple times, quite unattractively)

hey anon! i mean, lennon. ahhhh, i'm so used to calling you anon. 

oh, you were sick? ;o

stayed home yesterday. i bet i missed so much homework. and you know what sucks?

a vacuum cleaner?

you crack me up, genevieve.


well, genevieve, i left my phone in my locker, and hadn't realized until i reached home. my mom pretty much insisted i stay in bed until i my fever went down.

feeling better, i hope?


btw, i learned something about myself.

and what's that?

i am literally nothing without my smexy iphone. i guess this generation is addicted to their smart phones. i was so bored i re-read harry potter.

(androids are better)

and no matter how many times you re-read harry potter, it will never, i repeat never, get any less entertaining.

(sorry genevieve, but iphones are so much better)

you seem passionate about harry potter.

best series ever, lennon.

ohh, that's why you didn't send your usual text ;o

(androids forever and always)

did it make you sad that i didn't send the usual 'good morning' text? ;)

genevieve paused.

please, i hardly noticed haha.


ugh, algebra test.

ttys and wish me good luckkk


you're such a dork, lennon.

1:26 pm

her phone rang. she was on her way to room 321, trying to squeeze past the many students down the hallway. her breath was stuck in her throat. it was lennon. or anon. whatever she was calling him. it was him. she stopped in the middle of the hallway, to the irritation of the busy students trying to get to their next class.


same calm, quiet voice, somewhat hoarse, most probably as he was recovering from a cold.

"genevieve, genevieve, genevieve."

when he said her name, she smiled. her name sounded nice on his tongue.

"lennon, lennon, lennon?"

he laughed softly.

genevieve muttered a few apologies under her breath, as students pushed past her. standing in the middle of a busy hallway was not her finest choice.

"iphones are so much better than androids."

he ended the call, leaving genevieve with her eyebrows furrowed.

"oh, sorry," genevieve said absentmindedly, as another boy tried to get by.

he brushed past her, sniffling a bit, "oh, it's no problem."

a u t h o r ' s  n o t e :

apple or android?  my friends and i need input on this debate, to help settle this disagreement, i'd tell you which one i like better, but then your decision would be biased c; 

good morning, sunshineWhere stories live. Discover now