25. | Saving his gorgeous wife

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This morning I received a call from the chairman and I was surprised because he wanted to talk to Frera as soon as possible. 

Even if I didn't want to bring Frera, there was nothing I could do because we would both be hurt in the end. 

I didn't want to hurt her so I chose to follow the order. When I dropped her off, I immediately went to the office and was surprised to see Frera's friend, Halk, inside. 

He was bloody and had many wounds on his face, so I immediately approached him. 

"Where is frera?" he immediately asked while sitting on the sofa.

"She's in danger now. Don't take her to the chairman's staff because it's all set up. The stakeholders want to kill Frera and can't wait for Hera and Mr. Vitale to return." I was surprised by what he said and I sat on the sofa.

I don't know but suddenly I can't think and the only thing on my mind right now is my wife's current condition. 

If they hurt Frera I will never forgive them until death. 

"It's too late because the chairman's secretary has already talked to me to bring Frera to them." 

"Fuck!" I heard him swear. 

Based on his condition, it looks like the stakeholders planned to finish her off. 


When I married Frera I thought she was just a simple woman who would have no effect on me when we broke up. 

But the longer we spend together, the more important she becomes to me.

I know she's not just a normal woman with a normal family. When I found out about her previous life and what happened to her father that she didn't know about, I felt sorry for her. 

Back then I didn't care if she didn't know everything as long as Hera was safe and their family didn't lose everything but now I feel like I can't when something bad happens to Frera. 

I feel like I'll have myself to blame if she died tonight. 

"WHERE IS FRERA?" I openly asked the chairman when I entered his office. 

There I caught him reading a book as if he had done nothing bad today. 

"Didn't I talk to you and make you choose between my daughter and your wife? So why are you acting like this?" he asked me without looking at where I was.

"I didn't know you planned to kill her. She's my wife now so you can't hurt her!" I yelled at him and he gave me a silly smile. 

"Weren't you the one who brought her? Did she tell you that she didn't know those people? I know my nephew, she won't just go with people she doesn't know unless you force or order her to go with them. " the chairman said. 

That's when I thought. 

Right when I brought Frera, I felt that she was nervous and she didn't want to go with those guys. 

"I don't know where my nephew is. They all talked about that thing and no matter how much I tried I couldn't stop them because they all wanted to kill her. My dearest nephew was with them and I couldn't do anything." he told me. 

I know how important Frera is to him and he even managed to talk to me before about his niece's situation. 

"You're going to marry my niece, Caasi and I want you to protect her as much as you can."

That's the word I remembered before we went to Thailand. 

That was when I first saw Frera in Thailand and I wounded her with my newly bought knife. 

I thought she would cry in front of me like any other girl but she didn't pay attention to the wound she inflicted on me. 

Frera is a strange woman and I can say that I fell in love with her as soon as we were in Thailand. 

Even though we have been busy and don't see each other often, I always find out about her condition. 

"Where is she?" Halk asked me when I got to the condominium and I caught him holding one of my collections. 

"Why are you holding that?"

"Don't you know that you and gorgeous have something in common? She also likes knives but she doesn't like collecting like you do." he said and I sat in front of his chair.

I took a deep breath and thought about what to do.

"Has gorgeous entered that room?" 

"Stop calling my wife gorgeous." I turned and stared at him annoyed. 

"Okay! I'm really nervous." he said. 

"I'm telling you don't ever let her in there because you won't like what she's going to do." he added and there and I frowned at what he said. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Didn't I tell you that she takes things she likes? But she also puts them back after she uses them." he told me and then I quickly went to the room to see if she took anything. 

"Shit! Why did I even say that! You seem to be mad at gorgeous now!" I heard him say.

When I saw that one of my collections was missing, I quickly went to my laptop and Halk was surprised at what I did. 


"Good to hear and I'm missing a knife so I'll know where gorgeous is now." I said and then Halk and I looked at each other and I saw him surprised by what I said. 

I looked away because he was starting to laugh in front of me.

"When did you start to call her gorgeous?" Halk asked me while staring at me. 

"Shut up!" 

"Okay, let's talk about it later because we have to save her first. What are you doing?" 

"I'm trying to trace the knife that my wife stole from me." because of what he said, he thought even more strangely about his friend and me. 

"What are you thinking?" I asked without turning to him. 

"Shit! I really don't want to think that you are obsessed with your collections and that you even managed to put a tracker on them." there Halk could no longer hold back the laughter he had been suppressing. 

"I'm so sorry. I just can't believe it. Why did you do that?" 

"So that I can know where I left them during the fight or maybe so that I can know where the thief is. A thief like your friend you call gorgeous" there he laughed even more in front of me. 

"I promise I won't tell Frera what I found out about you because I'm sure you won't make her stop laughing, even if you get angry.." Halk said laughing and lay down on the sofa and laughed there.

"There you are. I know where she is." I said while focusing on the monitor and reading where she is now. 

"Im going to kill all of the fucking bastards who tried to touch my wife!"


How to be your wife Caasi?~~~~

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