7. | She is not welcome in her husband's house.

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"Why are you still here?" Caasi asked in surprise when I got out of the car just like him. I didn't say anything and just stared at him. He felt annoyed by what I did so he decided to walk and enter the elevator. He didn't look at me or even talk to me when he saw me enter. I just leaned back while still staring at him.

"I'm not leaving now. I'm not going to see her." 

"I know because at this time she was with Mr. Vitale." I answered seriously and he looked at me. 

After our short conversation, he didn't speak again and waited for the door to open. 

When we got to the floor of his condo, he went out and I just followed.

"You don't even need to see me get in. I'm not going anywhere."

"And who said I was going to walk you to the door?" I asked and his eyebrows met there.

"Hi! Gorgeous!" we heard and turned to the one who spoke at the same time. 

"Thank you Halk. You are really reliable. Are all my things in there?" I asked him and approached him. 

"Your welcome gorgeous, you know when I come to you I can't say no." he said and turned to Caasi 

"Good evening Prosecutor. I'm a friend of Era's. I'm happy to see you, I'm a big fan of yours!" he said smiling while Caasi was still shocked and did not understand what happened. 

"I have to go." 

"I'm sorry Era, but it looks like I can't share your husband's anger with you anymore. He might hurt me because I brought your stuff." I secretly laughed at what Halk whispered. I just watched him enter the elevator.

When I entered I was amazed inside. I can't deny that being a prosecutor will give you such a great place to live. 

How I wish I had studied law and not business. 

"Get out!" I heard from behind me while I was busy admiring his house. 

"I thought you wouldn't come into your house and give it to me" I joked that he didn't like it. 

"Just kidding. I'm only going to live here for the time being, when I see that you're becoming obedient. I'm leaving here." 

"I'm not obedient."

"Come on! Everyone, even if they weren't born obedient, the world will teach them to be obedient once." I said while staring at him.

When I didn't get any words from him, I walked over and sat on the soft sofa. 

"Tell me, how much is your salary for being a prosecutor?" I asked in the middle of the silence and saw him walking towards me. It was too late for me to run because he quickly pulled me from my seat and pulled me out. 

"No!" I struggled and pushed him hard but it didn't seem to have any effect on him because the opposite of what I expected was that I lost my balance and fell down. What the hell? 

"Fuck!" I groaned as I hit the edge of the table. I held my side and faced him. 

"Why don't you want me to sleep here? I'm your wife!" I said to him angrily because of the pain I got from the fall.

"Get out before I hurt you and drag you out." 

"Listen Mr. Prosecutor, if you don't stop your madness with my cousin you will be removed from your position!" 

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