Chapter Four-I Almost Lost Her

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This chapter dedicated to my middle school and high school readers and followers! Love u guys though <3
(Btw song above is not mine enjoy)

"Mom! Mom!" I shout, shaking Monica harder. I even start sobbing. "Come quick!"

Mom runs through the corridor with this needle filled with a clear liquid. She pulls Monica's sleeve up and injects the liquid into her shoulder, not bothering to cover my eyes. I can see what's in her eyes, stress and desperation. That liquid is what the doctor prescribed Monica, but she didn't take it. She told me to keep it secret, so I did. I didn't know it would end up like this. 

Mom looks over at me before Monica starts moving again, one of her fingers twitching and then a few muscle spasms. 

Monica is lying on the floor, her eyes darting from one place to another. I instantly start running and looking for that kit with Monica's medicine. I get angry, but soon find it after throwing a butter knife through the other side of the kitchen. I run back to Monica's unconscious body, get the needle, fill it one-third of the way with that liquid, and inject it into her shoulder after pulling the sleeve up. Mom told me how to do it a thousand times. 

When Monica starts her spasms, I finally give a sigh of relief. I put a thin bandage on her shoulder and wait for her to get up, having a firm grasp on her hand and praying to every holy and unholy being in existence for her safety. I already lost one mother, I don't want to lose another, even if we aren't as close. I don't care how many times Monica yelled at me for mentioning Mom, I don't care how many times she ignored me in a drunken haze; I still love her and... I don't want to be alone. 

I don't know what Monica has, but she can get through this. If she can survive through this once, she can get through it again. 

After an hour, she goes still and finally opens her eyes. I wrap my arms around her and start sobbing into her chest. I soon feel anger. 

"You promised! You promised you wouldn't do that!" I hiccup, soon feeling more burning tears down my face. 

"I'm sorry," she replies weakly. "I just forgot the last few days. C'mon, as soon as I feel better, I'll make some dinner." 

I help her up and walk to the couch. My anger expands as I think of what she has just done. How long has she not taken her medication? She wouldn't just do that to herself, right? She wouldn't abandon me by killing herself, right? She probably would've been gone if I ignored that crashing sound. I would've known something was up if she never called me. I would've saw her body twitch and die of liver failure. I already saw it once, that was a close call, and she promised three years ago. 

Right now, all I can think of is I hate you so much

After an hour, Monica gets up, saying that she's fine and that she's going to start dinner. I'm still thinking of what happened as I retreat to the attic. I see a flash of silver and dark red, but I ignore it. Robbie must've found me. 

"What were you doing down there?" I hear her voice ask. She soon appears in front of me.

"My second mom could've died of liver failure. Where were you?" I counter, anger twisting into venom in my voice. 

"Jeez, calm down. I saw some old friends and you two left me," she answers nonchalantly. 

"What 'old friends'? Where the hell were you?" I ask, my voice raising. I rarely do that, only when something is really bothering me. 

"Well, you know those old stories your mom told you before she died, right?" she answers in this really sick singsong voice. "Welp, you better start hunting. I heard he really likes kids." 

She disappears as soon as she came. What in the actual-


Word Count: 687

Nope goodbye schedule

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