Chapter Twenty-Nine-Yesterday

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I wake up with the feeling that something isn't right. Maybe it's just something I ate last night. I continue the day as if it's normal, the feeling just getting worse. I don't know what it is. Maybe I'm just sick. I decide not to go to school and just rest for the day. BEN isn't going to come until later. He knows when I come home and when I go to school. Monica isn't going to come home for a few days, she's on a business trip. 

Something smells off after a few hours. There are times when I do smell something the same time I'm listening to music, but it's usually oranges or ash. Not smoke or burning food. I'm not listening to anything and there's nothing cooking. I walk down the stairs and see a flash before fire on the stove. There's also a burning fire in the living room. Something started this!

I run up to my bedroom and pack whatever I can fit into the backpack. I ditch the school stuff and fill the school backpack with the dolls BEN cares about and Mom's books. The fire catches up and almost burns through the door when I'm climbing down the house from the window. Mr. Jacks is in my arms, his beady eyes shining from the flames. I keep running for what feels like an eternity before stopping close to a motel. The sign is flickering above me as I walk in and get a room for the night. I sit on the bed and stare at the backpack holding the dolls and books. BEN's doll is showing from the zipper, its button eyes showing my dark reflection. 

"Oh, god," I mutter before finally laying down and going to sleep without the protection of the blanket. 

I open my eyes to what looks like my house. It's burning still. The only thing I can hear above the crackle of flames is the laughter of someone familiar. 

"You're not dead yet. I can feel you, deep inside my mind. A little sting," the person says, his hand over his right eye. "Carolina died, but it wasn't my fault... All I could think of was that boy, now I can take one of his prized possessions! I'll always find you, (Y/N), but I'll only stop once your heart is in my hand and your eyes are lifeless." 

The man continues laughing, and it continues on for a while. He starts running, and I wake up in a layer of sweat. 


Word Count: 425 

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