Chapter Eighteen-He's a Killer?

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(Y/N)'s POV

I start the day normally, walking down to the kitchen and make some toast. It's about ten minutes until Monica finally wakes up and makes her own breakfast. We sit at the dining table, the room ringing with silence. I finish and decide to turn on the TV, as it has been about year since it was last used. Almost immediately, the news is on, the woman telling the world of a new killer who has been caught. The photo fades in, and I immediately recognize the teenage boy with blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes. The boy who is considered average. Denis. 

The first thing on my mind is what the fuck? 

Monica sits on the couch, right next to me. She doesn't know who he is. She doesn't know why I have this shocked look on my face. She doesn't know anything about this, and I don't think she wants to know what is running through my mind. 

The woman continues to talk about Denis killing Carolina but keeps on saying something about being led to the basement and seeing her dead body, so he's being transported to a psychiatric ward nearby. 

Denis killed his best friend in his own home.

 What caught me was Denis claiming of following the body to the basement, as if someone else killed her and framed him. It's just that he sounded unstable in the recordings of the interrogation, telling the officer of a boy clad in green in the bushes as he was dragged away. 

Again, what the fuck?

 My thoughts turn to BEN, the only boy I know who is dressed in green. How could someone pull that off, though? Denis was almost soaked in blood, the same places he said the boy had blood on. This doesn't make any sense. It's as if Denis was played as puppet, just like in one of Mom's stories. Which one was it again? The Puppet House

I get up and walk to my room, my mind riding rollercoasters in my mind. Thoughts speeding through and disappearing just as quickly. I look through my bookshelf and pull out The Puppet House, one of many of Mom's popular stories. She's discreet with the killer's appearance but gives them the same power as their original counterparts, just like what she did with BEN and Slenderman. I flip page after page until I get to the first appearance of the character. Black clothing with glowing eyes. I go to a creepypasta website and find him. The Puppeteer. 

I knew BEN couldn't do this alone, but there's already something off. Usually, this guy uses torture. Perhaps this is Denis's torture, questioning if he did it or if someone else did, to go deeper and deeper into madness and question until he gets killed or dies of old age. 

That's a bit too deep for you, (Y/N). 

There's one thing I do know. I need to pay my dear acquaintance a visit. 


Word Count: 498

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