Chapter Seventeen-Murder

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Denis's POV

We're walking back to my place. Cary (Carolina) just keeps talking about how weird (Y/N) is. She often doesn't speak to people when she figures out that they're unperfect in one way or another. I'd be friends with as much people as I pleased if Cary didn't scare them away. Hell, she doesn't even let me speak to other girls. She's always around me, unless we're going to a class we don't have together, which, with my luck, is none. 

We reach the door, and I feel a sudden chill down my back. We enter, me locking the door behind us, and already walking to my room. Cary's sitting on my bed with her phone out. I'm sitting next to her, also looking at my phone. I yawn after an hour, a sound making me look up. Something's running down the hall. It's not Lee, my little brother, nor Bugs, the bug-eyed chihuahua Lee loves. Cary also looks up, but she gets up and walks out to check what it is. She doesn't come back after ten minutes, making me worried. A small, muffled scream makes me look up again. I walk out to look for her.

A human-like arm is seemingly dragged across the wall, blood and long claw marks are the only thing that shows that arm has been there. I follow it, out of curiosity, to the basement. There's a click-click near the floor, close to the basement door. It's one of Cary's fake nails, sparkling pink with blue glitter. It's Carolina's arm. I'm practically running down the stairs, eventually grabbing hold of her hand. She grabs back, but the hand goes limp after only a second. The warmth is gone after a minute, leaving me in a stupor. She's gone, I know it. 

I let go of the hand, and it is dragged into the darkness. I follow it with violent adrenaline taking over my thoughts, giving me a new motive. There's a thunderous crash, waking up everyone else in the house. I see Carolina now, she has frighteningly beautiful dead eyes and her intestines are hanging out of a long gash across her chest. It's a horrifying sight, the blood a plain sign that she is long gone. 

Whoever did this... I swear I will-

"Denis! What're you doing down here?" Dad asks, his answer right in front of him as his eyes lie on the body. He has a horrified tone in his voice now. "What did you do?"

"It-It isn't what it-" I start, Lee's scream cutting me off. Why aren't they listening?

Mom is already on the phone with the police, screaming every word into the screen. I can't hear anything over my heartbeat pounding in my ears. I look at my hands, now covered in dark crimson blood and a knife in my left. Did I do this? 

Dad charges at me and holds me down, my hands behind my back. I feel his breath on the back of my neck. Soon, two police officers are escorting me to a car. I see a glowing, green boy smiling at me by the foliage. It isn't a regular, innocent smile, it's a wide smile, a demonic smile. I'm in handcuffs and pushed into the car before I even try to point him out. He has blood on him, on the same places I do. 

Was it me or him? 


Word Count: 573

What do you think? Is Denis innocent? 

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