Chapter Twenty-Eight-Disappeared

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"Are we there yet?" I ask, hopping over a fallen log to catch up to BEN.

"Almost. We need to hurry, though," he answers. He doesn't turn around nor stop. "Rake really doesn't like humans... Unless they're dinner." 

I do catch up after a few minutes, both of us stopping in front of a cabin. Long vines crawl over the outer walls, and poison ivy over most of the front door. BEN pulls the ivy away, the long vine practically stabbing his hand, but he doesn't seem to be bothered. He opens the door, revealing a dark, empty room. There're long claw marks into the living room and close to the kitchen corridor. 

"What happened here?" I question, my eyes getting used to the darkness after a few minutes. 

"There was a human family here, at least twenty years ago," he replies. "They never bothered us until the mother caught on. Jeff followed them home, and we never saw them after that." 

I look over at the smashed window, it is also covered by plants and weeds. The overgrowth is so thick that it replaced the window about ten years ago. Sunlight is still peeking through, just not as much. BEN's in the abandoned kitchen, and I follow after realizing. There's a clean skeleton on the floor, and two smaller ones, one on the table and another on the living room couch. There's no blood; the flies must've eaten it away when it dried. 

BEN looks over at the skeletons, not even affected. He's just surprised I'm not affected either. Everyone in the group has killed people in front of me. The attic and my bedroom have been used for interrogation for what I call "creepypasta investigators". I've even watched them kill; they don't mind either. I only killed one person out of self-defense, but they bring it up as something I did on purpose. 

No, it wasn't on purpose. Okay, maybe a little, but it was still out of self-defense. Jeff was mad at me for taking one of his kills but was proud. I regretted it almost immediately. I snap out of my memory and look at the child skeleton on the couch again. The right arm and hand is on the floor. 

I feel something on me, crawling on my shoulder. A spider. I rub it off, feeling it bite me before disappearing into the darkness. The bite doesn't sting for long. The spider didn't have hold for long, either. 

BEN walks to one of the bedrooms, and I follow. There's nothing except the two old beds and large wardrobe. The paint is a faded and chipped pink. The wardrobe is rotted on the outside, but not really on the inside. Some of the hangers are still there, the clothes aren't. 

"Sorry about having to stay here," he says, sounding surprisingly sympathetic. 

You might not know what's happening right now. Someone burned the house down. Literally. I don't know who it was, everyone in the group was either at the mansion or killing someone. Monica's at a business trip to somewhere. BEN found me a day later, yesterday, and we couldn't be at the motel for long. He said he knew a place, but I didn't know it was somewhere in the woods. Eastwood's woods. The same woods where Mom's dead friends were killed. I'm still thankful, just worried about what I'm going to do when Monica comes back to the ashes of our home. The only thing that was spared was Mom's dolls and books. 

Yes, the dolls and books are with me. No, BEN doesn't know. 


Word Count: 624 

Sorry for the really late chapter I just needed a break :'D

Plus the guilt of an incomplete fanfic brought me back.

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