Chapter Twenty-One-Finally

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was only yesterday that BEN came back. I practically tackled him I was so happy. Right now, he's asleep under the bed while I'm leaving for school. It's a Friday, so I won't have to wait long for the weekend. I just never knew a day could go by this slowly. 

I've also gotten some new bullies tormenting me. They only started after Bo came along. Bo's a tall girl. She has red hair that anyone could tell is fake. She seems to always have this smirk on her face, telling everyone that she is royalty here. Of course, she's rich and really attractive in other's opinion. My definition of beauty is quite different. Let's just say it's in the same definitions as Jeff the Killer's. 

They torment me because of this rumor of my obsession going around. Apparently, a classmate found me at the park with papers on the creepypastas that Bethany took notes on. Laughing Jack's has the most, despite Bethany's former obsession with BEN. The boy thought those papers made by me. It's an honor to think that, but I didn't. I don't have great handwriting compared to other students. Most of them write in cursive. I'm just too lazy to, as most say. Nobody really taught me cursive, and Mom said that it's more common for someone in a group to know cursive than not. Sometimes, I just call it fancy writing.

After what feels like an eternity, school is finally out for the weekend. I start walking down the sidewalk. Bo tries to torment me with this high-pitched voice. I don't even know what she's saying. I thought that humans can't say things in that voice so high, but Bo just proves me wrong. 

"You should really consider being a voice actor," I think aloud. Before I even realize what I did, Bo and her crew of four starts laughing creepily. 

I just start running. I don't care if they're following me. I just keep running. I get to my house and lock the door after me. BEN's on the kitchen counter, looking up when I slam the door shut. He asks me why I'm out of breath, but I don't answer. After a few minutes, I tell him some of the details, aka pissing off a popular girl. He just laughs. He calms down after a few minutes though. 

"That's amazing! You actually did that?" he sighs. I nod. 

After that is a bit of a blur. Before I know it, BEN and I are walking around the park. This is the only day in a while that I haven't settled down to investigate Mom's books. This is the only day where BEN and I went out to relax. I just keep thinking about the books, BEN doesn't seem so concerned until he does pay attention. He doesn't ask what's on my mind though, he knows he'd probably get the "it's nothing" answer. I do that to people. 

Every now and then, I escape my thoughts to see a teenager following us. He has a mask on and most of his face is covered in darkness. Stalking. I don't try to pay attention or get BEN to notice. The teenager probably doesn't like sunlight and his parents convinced him to go to the park. I just feel uneasy seeing him. The teenager looks like a him but could very well be a girl. 

After another hour, BEN and I are heading home, the teenager follows. BEN does see the teenager but doesn't do anything. He just smiles, closing the door after a minute. The teenager isn't even at the living room window. 


Word Count: 612 

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