Dear Diary, (My first day 9th grade.)

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Hey, I am Jay! I am just you're average teen girl NOT. I have an insane life where boys will be boys. I love my brother and my guy friends, but well here my first week of high school for example.

First day of high school. I woke up and I turned off my alarm clock. I get up and did my hair and make-up. I put my black hair in a high pony tail and at the end are my red tips. I put a red and black plaid micro mini skirt with black fishnet stockings and a black and red stripped shirt and a red necktie with a black hair bow.

I walk to the bathroom and opened the door then a huge stink bomb came out. Matthew (My twin brother) I held my breath and brushed my teeth. As soon as I left I started to breathed again. I grabbed a yogurt cup and started to eat then Matthew took it. I just rolled my eyes and said, "Unbelievable!" Yet in my mind I said It isn't. I just wanted to scream, but I was the bigger person and just got another one.

I heard the bus so I ran and grabbed my book bag that was checkered and had pins and buttons all over the bag. I ran to the bus stop and Matthew was right behind screaming, "Wait up!" As I get on the bus and sit in seat five. The bus driver liked to talk to me about his problems. A bunch of people actually like to do that. Popular girls with boy problems, teachers,the principal, popular boys with girl problems, and the weirdest part about it all is the popular's are only nice to me if they have a problem. They are mean to me if they don't.

Anyways, back to Matthew he was running to the stop sign and he was whipping his blond hair out of his face. (I use to have blond hair too, but I dyed it black to make me seem more pale.) He sat down in the seat beside me. Then I hear my name called by the bus driver and I just respond,

"Just listen to what your heart has to say."

"Thanks, you're really sweet."

"No problem Mr. Santos!"

I started to look at the window and I saw my best friend Luke out the window at his stop. The bus came to a complete stop, the loud doors open as Luke walked up and got on. His liberty spikes were black and white, he had black cargo pants, a Nirvana T-shirt on, and his black messenger bag on with a painted red Anarchy symbol on it. He smiled at me then I said,

"Hey, Weirdo."

"Hey, Loser! How are you? "

"My highlighter sister has been getting on my nerves. I swear it is like looking at an explosion of Christmas and Easter when I look at her."

"What did she do this time?"

"She is dressed in neon pink pants, yellow and pink striped shirt, and a huge yellow bow."

"Sometimes I have no idea how you're related."

He laughed and took at his phone. He unlocked it and said,

"Do you want to see the selfie we took together? "

"I am scared."

Then I heard a familiar voice say,

"What did I just hear, the fearless Jake say?" (Just to make things clear, my real name is Jake. My Mother passed away giving birth to me and my brother and I was suppose to be a boy. So my Father was confused so well boys will be boys.) It was my friend Tyler he was larger than most, he wore a black v-neck shirt, jeans, vans, with Harley Davidson eye glasses. He also had scruffy brown hair. I honestly get these weird feelings in my stomach whenever I am around him, I heard about this thing called a crush the girls talked about in the locker room. I think it is when one person who wants to go out with another, but I am not really sure considering I never really feel comfortable talking about that kind of stuff.

Anyhow, Luke showed Tyler the selfie and his eyes widen. He responded,

"Bro, I am so sorry."

"It is okay."

"I honestly do not know how we are related. "

I smiled and sat against the wall with the window and put my legs on top of Luke's lap. I then said,

"Matthew! "


"I just wanted to make sure you were not sat on."

Tyler started to unlace to my shoe. "That is what you get!" He said while putting my shoe in his bag. I took out my safety pin and said, "Give me my shoe."

Then a girl diagonal from me who appeared to look around 6th grade asked, "How could you hurt someone with a safety pin?"

Luke showed her his hand and said, "This is from stealing her cookies. "

"Yeah, you don't mess around with her when she has safety pins."

"Is that why the middle school doesn't allow safety pins? "

I smiled and nodded, then her eyes got huge. I just laughed, I mean her face was priceless. I am feared, there is one thing I can check off my bucket list.

We arrived at school and I said, "I really want shoe back."
He threw my shoe at me, I quickly slipped it on. I grabbed my book bag and followed Luke off the bus. Then I walked up the steps and pulled out my schedule and okay so what classes do we have together.

Luke said, "I have first period Ms. Young."

Matthew looks down and then says, "I have Mr. Green."

Tyler said, "Mrs. D...rr....a"

I finished him and said, "Mrs. Draugon"I smiled and for some reason I had a weird wanting to hug him.

"Yeah what ever you said."

Luke said, "And everyone made sure we got second lunch."

Matthew said with a stupid look,
"I thought we were suppose to get first."

I laughed and said, "You're screwed. "

"Jay be nice." Tyler said in a motherly tone.

Luke laughed and tried to keep a straight face while saying, "We should probably get to class. "

We all nodded in agreement.

Tyler and I walked to class together, I tried to take out her binder to put my schedule in. But, I dropped my backpack and everything fell out.

Tyler said, "Oh here let me help you. " My heart started to race, me and Tyler's hands touched when we reached for my 'Doctor who' notebook. Both of our cheeks turned dark red, I smiled and I just put it in my backpack then zipped it.

I turned and said, "I think we should head to class now and by the way thanks man. "

"No problem and I was wondering do you have a boyfriend? "

"No dumb dumb."

"I was just wondering because I..... "

Sorry got to go until next time.


Wow. I love Jay, don't you. Please do not be mad consider the fact that I didn't post the next chapter of 'Act like a lady and skate like a boss' I love you all!

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